Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: If you are having a difficult time getting your earrings to go into the hole in your earlobe, just put a dab of hand lotion on your lobe, and the earring will go right in.

— Judy M. in Arkansas

DEAR READERS: Children going back to school? Denim is a staple of most every student’s wardrobe. Some designer denim jeans can be pricey, so what are some care hints for these durable duds?

Pull the pants inside out to launder. Agitation in the washer can lead to fading and fiber breakage. Make sure all zippers, buttons and snaps are closed. Don’t over-stuff the washer. Even though denim is a strong material, to keep jeans looking newer, use cold-water wash on a gentle cycle.

Use a special detergent designed for dark colors.

Either avoid the dryer altogether, or minimize drying time. Line-drying will help the material last longer.

When your kids outgrow them, they can be donated or passed down.

DEAR HELOISE: Plastic bowl covers and shower caps need to be air-dried, but where or how to do it in an efficient and prettily displayed way was a problem. So I decided to do something about it.

I grabbed unused flower vases just sitting in the cupboard. I then went to a bigbox craft store and bought two lovely, fairly large, longstemme­d flowers. I put one in each vase, and placed one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom to drape my wet plastics over.

— Jane A., Ohio

DEAR HELOISE: I always back into parking spaces, especially at large venues like concerts and sporting events. With the backup camera, it’s a cinch to align my car in the space.

And when it’s time to leave, other cars are more likely to allow me to pull out into the flow of traffic, rather than giving me the space to back up and get out.

— Doug L. in San Antonio

DEAR READERS: We asked for uses for cloth and hard-shell eyeglass cases. Here are some:

Donate the cases to groups that collect glasses for the less fortunate.

Store scissors in a case for safety.

Use as a “purse” for a girl. Loop a ribbon under the flap for easy carrying.

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