Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Happy birthday. One of your birthday wishes will come to fruition next month. Now through the year’s end, a great sense of self- discipline will well up in you.

ARIES ( March 21- April 19): Who you really are is not always the same person you’ve allowed yourself to become. It is the same for everyone. What is also the same for everyone is the potential to steer things back on course at any moment.

TAURUS ( April 20- May 20): Those who react badly to criticism prevent themselves from growing, because they alienate the very people who can enlighten them as to how they ( or their work) are being perceived.

GEMINI ( May 21- June 21): The person who is trying to seduce you away from your work or your goals isn’t really on your side. Those who want you to succeed wouldn’t dream of tempting you in another direction.

CANCER ( June 22- July 22): Your friendline­ss puts all at ease. There are those who take themselves too seriously to fully understand the importance of small talk and its role in building rapport.

LEO ( July 23- Aug. 22): Because someone wants your approval, this person is unlikely to speak of anything unfl attering or controvers­ial. You’re better off with the truth. Make it clear that honesty is a stipulatio­n of your approval.

VIRGO ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Is what you want really worth working so long and hard to get to? That day will come whether or not you worked long and hard — only, if you don’t put in the work, that future won’t have nearly the same signifi cance.

LIBRA ( Sept. 23- Oct. 23): You want to know that the other person will be there and be loyal. This is not too much to ask, though it’s not the right time to ask it, certainly not directly. Look for clues instead, and trust your instincts.

SCORPIO ( Oct. 24- Nov. 21): A Chinese proverb says that the eye can’t see its own lashes. This was before the invention of extralong eyelash extensions. Still, it’s possible that you possess a quality that is invisible to you though others see it clearly.

SAGITTARIU­S ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21): You’ll be catering to an ego today, and this is tricky business for sure, especially if the ego in question happens to be your own.

CAPRICORN ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Certain emotions are unobtainab­le without a good amount of self- awareness. Jealousy and shame fall into the category; so do pride and admiration.

AQUARIUS ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18): You want to be dazzled by greatness and are therefore rooting for every source of potential amusement in your world, hoping ( sometimes against hope) for the very best presentati­on.

PISCES ( Feb. 19- March 20): Your path will converge with another’s. Neither route is wrong. Neither is trying to own the whole path, just needing to take it over for the moment to get to the next place.

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