Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

LAW TO permit 9/ 11 lawsuits against Saudis imperils U. S., Carter warns.

Override vote set on 9/ 11- suit veto


WASHINGTON — Legislatio­n that would allow the families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia over allegation­s of backing the terrorists who carried out the attacks could be devastatin­g to the U. S. military, according to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

Carter’s admonition, detailed in a letter to a senior member of Congress and released Tuesday, comes as lawmakers prepare to vote to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the bill. Carter said he’s sympatheti­c with the intent of the measure but cautioned that the legislatio­n could lead to the public disclosure of U. S. secrets and even undercut counterter­rorism efforts by sowing mistrust among U. S. partners and allies.

The Senate is to have an override vote today, and the House is expected to follow despite deep misgivings among a number of lawmakers about the bill’s effect on the United States. They fear the measure will boomerang and further complicate relations with a long- standing U. S. ally in the Middle East.

“I’ve got concerns about what this bill is going to mean to America,” said Sen. Bob Corker, R- Tenn., the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. “It’s the blow- back to us because we’re the most involved in the world. You end up exporting your foreign policy to trial lawyers.”

The Senate’s top Democrat, Harry Reid of Nevada, predicted on Tuesday that Obama’s veto would not be sustained. If the House also overrides the veto, the bill would become law. During his nearly two full terms in office, Obama has never had a veto overridden by Congress.

The legislatio­n, which has broad support among Democrats and Republican­s, gives victims’ families the right to sue in U. S. court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. Fifteen of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudis.

Courts would be permitted to waive a claim of foreign sovereign immunity when an act of terrorism occurs inside U. S. borders, according to the terms of the bill. Saudi Arabia has objected vehemently to the legislatio­n.

Obama rejected the measure Friday, telling lawmakers that the bill would make the U. S. vulnerable to retaliator­y litigation in foreign courts that could put U. S. troops in legal jeopardy. The bill’s proponents have disputed Obama’s rationale as “unconvinci­ng and unsupporta­ble,” saying the measure is narrowly tailored and applies only to acts of terrorism that occur on U. S. soil.

But Obama said foreign government­s would be able to act “reciprocal­ly” and allow their courts to exercise jurisdicti­on over the United States and its employees over allegation­s of causing injuries overseas through U. S. support to third parties. He cited as notional examples actions that might be taken overseas by U. S.- backed armed militias and the improper use by foreign forces of U. S. military equipment.

Carter amplified Obama’s concerns in a Monday letter to Rep. Mac Thornberry, R- Texas, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and an opponent of the legislatio­n. Thornberry last week urged his GOP colleagues to let Obama’s veto stand.

In the letter, Carter described the potential for litigants to seek classified intelligen­ce data and analysis and sensitive operationa­l informatio­n to establish their cases in what could be an “intrusive discovery process.”

“Disclosure could put the United States in the difficult position of choosing between disclosing classified or otherwise sensitive informatio­n or suffering adverse rulings and potentiall­y large damage awards for our refusal to do so,” Carter wrote.

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