Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: We are retired and spend two weeks a year in hotel rooms. I am an early riser; my wife is not. This causes a problem with the lighting in hotel rooms.

Our grandkids got a toy miner’s headlamp for Christmas. We watched them play with it, then purchased one to see if it would work while traveling. I put it on the bedside table and wear it after I wake up. I can get ready, read books, read the newspaper, do crossword puzzles, etc., while wearing the headlamp, and it allows my wife to sleep.

— Duane W., via email

DEAR HELOISE: Your hint titled “Are We There Yet?” was an excellent one.

I think parents should teach their children to read a map and an atlas. I have met adults who cannot read a map. What a shame! GPS is great technology, but if you are in an area without service or your battery is dead, it does not help you.

Keeping an atlas in your vehicle and being able to use it is something everyone should know. I realize you probably can’t keep maps of everywhere, but you could print a local map before going to the town or location.

What a great skill, learning opportunit­y and parent/child connection. — Tim and Sue M.,

Smethport, Pa.

DEAR READERS: Laundry is one chore in life that is guaranteed. Here are some quick hints to help:

Close zippers and fasteners on garments.

Check pockets for tissues, gum and pens.

Wash sweaters inside-out to prevent pilling.

Use laundry pre-treaters on the back of the stain to “force” it out.

DEAR HELOISE: Here is a hint for those who still have a coffee maker that makes great coffee, but the carafe warming plate is getting a little rusty. Try cutting a circle to fit from the newer black mats that are made to fit on outdoor grills. They can stand the heat, work great and instantly make your coffee maker look almost new again.

— Carol G., Hubbard Lake, Mich.

DEAR READERS: If you have young children in the backseat and need to keep them occupied, fill an old tote bag or purse with puzzles, games and toys, and hang it over the seat. This will promote playtime and teamwork.

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