Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time- saving hint to Heloise, P. O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279- 5000; fax to ( 210) 435- 6473; or email Heloise@ Heloise. com

DEAR HELOISE: Most airplane flights these days do not have enough time between layovers for the cleaning crew to wipe down tray tables. To keep from picking up germs, I pack several antibacter­ial wipes and keep them in my purse to wipe down the trays and armrests. They are also handy to use in the plane’s lavatory. — Shannon M., Muleshoe, Texas DEAR READER: How right you are. If the “stop” is just to offload and load passengers, generally there is no cleaning. As a road warrior with more than 2.7 million miles ( one airline alone), I can tell you that staying healthy and germ- free is not easy. I have several small bottles of hand sanitizer stashed everywhere. I’ve used some on a tissue to wipe off the tray and armrest.

DEAR HELOISE: Here are my favorite travel hints that have saved me many times: Pack a small first- aid kit and keep it in the glove compartmen­t of your car. Carry all medication­s/ jewelry in a carry- on bag or purse. Always notify a relative or close friend of your date of departure and return. Never carry your Social Security card in your wallet. — Dan W. in Denver

DEAR HELOISE: It’s so easy for computer manuals and disks to get lost, so when I buy a new computer, I take the books and disks that came with it and place them in large, resealable plastic bags and store them together in the hall closet.

— Kathy S., Austin, Texas

DEAR HELOISE: Here are a few outings that I try to fit in on a Friday:

I take my dog to the dog park. The exercise is good for both of us.

I have a “me” night. I may settle in with a pizza and treat myself to a facial, a pedicure and/ or a foot massage. This is my time to treat myself and pretend I’m at a spa. I also save a lot of money.

— Tot P., via email

DEAR HELOISE: When my young niece visits me, we have such a nice time. I get to take her to the art museum, botanical garden, or we pick something new. She wanted to go to the air museum, and it was super. I had never been to it, and probably would not have thought about going.

— Auntie Tea, Ohio

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