Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Driver says lane’s use ambiguous


Dear Mahatma: On University Avenue for most of the distance from Markham Street to well beyond Asher Avenue, what is the far right lane for? I think of that lane as a merge lane or exit lane. Over the past few years I have noticed that lane being used as a high speed passing lane. I feel a bit uncomforta­ble being passed on the right and even more so when they pass me on the right like I’m standing still.

— Lane Confused

Dear Lane: Bill Henry, the city’s traffic engineerin­g manager, tells us that in recent years that right lane has been designated as a through lane. No different than the other lanes. Drive on, baby.

As for speed, we drove down University the other day to experience what you do, Dear Reader. Oh, yeah, a driver in the middle lane gets passed by drivers to the right and the left. Speed limits are mostly 40, but bump up to 45 south of Asher.

Except for … a stretch of University Avenue is a mere 25 mph, right in front of the campus of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

You may recall that a faculty member trying to cross University some years ago was run over and killed. Hence the slower speed. There’s also a crosswalk, where we saw a couple of students waiting for the light to change so they could cross from the campus to the other side.

It was hard, really hard, to slow down from 40 to 25. Not that anyone else did.

Speeding is an enforcemen­t problem. And enforcemen­t is driven by complaint. Call the northwest patrol division of the Little Rock Police Department, 918-3500, and ask for enforcemen­t.

But be careful to follow the speed limit, lest ye be hoisted on your own petard. That would hurt something awful.

Vanity plates seen in Little Rock on his and hers Corvettes: FASTNUF and QWKENUF.

Dear Mahatma: Who has the right of way when a driver moving at the speed limit signals to change lanes, and a driver behind him in that second lane is coming up too fast. Speeders seem to think that the right of way belongs to whoever is driving the fastest. — Scared Traveler

Dear Traveler: Our answer is pathetic. All we know is that the fundamenta­l rule on changing lanes is to do so when the maneuver can be done safely.

If some maniac is zooming up behind you, let him go. Then change lanes. Life is too short, and too precious, to do otherwise.

If anyone else has a different view, please share. Here at the Drivetime Desk we’re all about sharing and caring.

Note to reader who asked about the sign on Interstate 430 that said that Little Rock had five upcoming exits when it now has eight: Sign has been changed, thanks to your sharp eye.

Note to all readers: We took off our shoes and calculated that this makes 10 years for this column. Thanks to all those folks who have engaged in the conversati­on.

Vanity plate seen on a Dodge Journey: 2ND2NO1.

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