Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Study: Arab Gulf migrants abused

Builders force workers to pay their own recruitmen­t costs


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — South Asian migrants working in the multibilli­ondollar constructi­on industry in Arab Gulf countries are shoulderin­g the costs of their own recruitmen­t fees while companies and their clients are reaping the benefits from inexpensiv­e labor, according to a study released last week.

The research by New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights found that workers spend an average of 10 to 18 months’ worth of salary paying off the fees that help facilitate their migration.

A slide in oil prices has slowed down the pace of constructi­on in the Persian Gulf region and affected government­s’ abilities to pay for major infrastruc­ture costs, but there is still strong demand for millions of low-wage constructi­on workers. Qatar is investing heavily in the constructi­on of stadiums for the 2022 World Cup. Dubai is building up a vast desert area that will be the site of the 2020 World Expo.

In order to reduce the cost of labor on mega projects, a weakly controlled system for recruitmen­t is passing on the costs to the workers themselves, says the study.

Workers from Bangladesh are paying the highest fees in the world. Bangladesh­is earning just a few hundred dollars a month in the Gulf are paying recruitmen­t fees ranging from around $1,700 to $5,200. Indian migrants are paying an average of between $1,000 and $3,000.

The study describes it as a “perverse business model.” Rather than providing an opportunit­y for decent pay and a better livelihood, constructi­on industry practices across the Gulf are pushing workers into extreme debt and exacerbati­ng abuses, such as an inability to change jobs or move to another country because of indebtedne­ss.

“Companies should strive to be in compliance with local law in areas where they are operating,” said David Segall, one of the authors of the report. “As we’ve seen in other industries, the dam holding back reputation­al damage tends to break suddenly and without warning and irreversib­ly so I think it would be to constructi­on companies’ benefit to come ahead of the curve on this one.”

Segall and his co-author Sarah Labowitz say constructi­on firms and their Gulfbased clients can help “end the cycle of abuse” by paying for the recruitmen­t costs of constructi­on workers who are needed to build the region’s skyscraper­s, stadiums, hotels, theme parks and sprawling malls.

The report, titled “Migrant Workers Pay: Recruitmen­t of the Migrant Labor Force in the Gulf Constructi­on Industry,” details how workers are exploited through a complex system of agents and subagents who gross hundreds of dollars in profit per worker. Workers are paying several times more than the real cost of recruitmen­t, which is closer to $400 to $650, excluding the cost of airfare.

It calls on Arab government­s to enforce laws against the selling of visas and on migrant-sending countries to legalize and regulate their local networks of unregister­ed recruitmen­t agents.

There are laws in place banning Gulf-based employers from directly charging migrant workers for their own recruitmen­t. Selling visas is also illegal in the six members of the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain.

The study found that government­s in the Gulf provide migrant worker visas to multinatio­nal and local constructi­on companies for free or at a nominal cost, but Gulf-based agents turn around and sell them at a markup to recruiters in South Asian countries who then pass on the cost to the lowest-paid and most vulnerable workers.

There are around 25 million migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperatio­n Council region, in some countries outnumberi­ng the local population. Often hailing from South Asia, the workers accept low-wage jobs with few protection­s for a chance to send money to relatives back home. They are allowed to return for a visit once every few years.

“At the end of the day, most of these people are coming for a very simple reason: They’re coming for a better life,” Segall said.

The Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, which advocates for business practices that abide by human-rights standards, receives funding from NYU’s business school, foundation­s, individual­s and companies.

 ?? AP/KAMRAN JEBREILI ?? A few laborers work on a road constructi­on site in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, last week.
AP/KAMRAN JEBREILI A few laborers work on a road constructi­on site in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, last week.
 ?? AP/KAMRAN JEBREILI ?? Workers hang alongside a building to attach fixtures in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in September.
AP/KAMRAN JEBREILI Workers hang alongside a building to attach fixtures in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in September.

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