Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Republican­s’ agenda


The federal budget, tax reform and health care are huge items on the legislativ­e agenda as members of Congress return to Washington. Under the Trump administra­tion, Republican values have been on vivid display. Not since the early 1900s has our nation’s great wealth been concentrat­ed in the hands of so few. And yet, programs that assist the needy, the poor and the middle class are being slashed in order to fund more tax cuts for wealthy individual­s and corporatio­ns. I believe the recent attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act was a naked, reprehensi­ble demonstrat­ion of this core value of class warfare. It’s almost as if Republican­s want to eliminate poverty by getting rid of the poor.

Government is not a business. It is big, messy and inherently inefficien­t. I, for one, am happy to see my tax dollars fund programs that benefit the needy, the general public, as well as enhancing quality of life for all citizens, knowing that a small proportion of these funds will be “wasted” by individual­s who take advantage of the system. This is preferable to more wealth being transferre­d to those who already have far in excess of their basic needs, at the expense of daily suffering and hardship of the masses.

A message to members of Congress: I understand being faithful to one’s party, but do not forget that you are ultimately accountabl­e to your constituen­ts—the general public, not the moneyed few and corporatio­ns. Legislate accordingl­y; you will hear us at the polls.



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