Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Paper: Trump told Russians ‘nut job’ fired

He reportedly said Comey’s ouster eased probe pressure


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the FBI director, James Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a New York Times report about a document summarizin­g the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Trump said, according to the document, which was read to the Times by a U.S. official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Trump added, “I’m not under investigat­ion.”

The conversati­on, during a May 10 meeting — the day after he fired Comey — reinforces the notion that Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureau’s investigat­ion into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives. Trump said as much in one televised interview, but the White House has offered different justificat­ions for the firing.

The White House document that contained Trump’s comments was based on notes taken from inside the Oval Office and has been circulated as the official account of the meeting. One official read quotations to the Times, and a second official confirmed the broad outlines of the discussion.

Sean Spicer, White House spokesman, did not dispute the account.

In a statement, he said Comey had put unnecessar­y pressure on the president’s ability to conduct diplomacy with Russia on matters such as Syria, Ukraine and the Islamic State extremist group.

“By grandstand­ing and politicizi­ng the investigat­ion into Russia’s actions, James Comey created unnecessar­y pressure on our ability to engage and negotiate with Russia,” Spicer said. “The investigat­ion would have always continued, and obviously, the terminatio­n of Comey would not have ended it. Once again, the real story is that our national security has been undermined by the leaking of private and highly classified conversati­ons.”

Late Friday, the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee announced that Comey had agreed to testify at an open hearing at an undetermin­ed date after Memorial Day.

Comey will most likely be asked about encounters that

precipitat­ed his firing, including a January dinner in which, Comey has told associates, Trump asked for his loyalty. In the Oval Office weeks later, Comey told associates, the president asked him to shut down an investigat­ion into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Comey is known to produce memos documentin­g sensitive encounters.

The day after firing Comey, Trump hosted Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, in the Oval Office, along with the Russian ambassador to the United

States, Sergey Kislyak. The meeting ignited controvers­y this week when it was revealed that Trump had disclosed intelligen­ce from an Israeli counterter­rorism operation.

A third government official briefed on the meeting defended the president, saying Trump was using a negotiatin­g tactic when he told Lavrov about the “pressure” he was under. The idea, the official suggested, was to create a sense of obligation with Russian officials and to coax concession­s out of Lavrov — on Syria, Ukraine and other issues — by saying that Russian meddling in last year’s election had created enormous political problems for Trump.

The president has been adamant that the meddling did not alter the outcome of the race, but it has become a political cudgel for his opponents.

Many Democrats and some Republican­s have raised alarms that the president may have tried to obstruct justice by firing Comey. The Justice Department’s newly appointed special counsel, Robert Mueller, was given

the authority to investigat­e not only potential collusion but also related allegation­s, which would include obstructio­n of justice.

The FBI’s investigat­ion has bedeviled the Trump administra­tion and the president personally. Comey publicly confirmed the existence of the investigat­ion in March, telling Congress that his agents were investigat­ing Russian efforts to influence the outcome of the presidenti­al election and whether anyone in the Trump campaign had been involved. Trump has denied any collusion and called the case a waste of money and time.

At first, the White House said Trump fired Comey based on the recommenda­tion of the Justice Department and because of Comey’s handling of the FBI investigat­ion into Hillary Clinton last year. Officials said it had nothing to do with the Russia investigat­ion.

But the president undercut that argument a day later, telling NBC News, “When I decided to just do it, I said to myself — I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.”


Capping a chaotic week on Capitol Hill, the House of Representa­tives heard from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, as lawmakers continued to grapple with Comey’s firing and a wave of new reports about Trump’s behavior.

“Former Department of Justice officials from both political parties have criticized Director Comey’s decisions,” Rosenstein said in an opening statement before the House at a closed meeting, remarks devoted largely to repeating his claim that Comey mishandled the investigat­ion into Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

“It was not just an isolated mistake; the series of public statements about the email investigat­ion, in my opinion,

departed from the proper role of the FBI director and damaged public confidence in the bureau and the department,” Rosenstein said.

“My memorandum is not a legal brief; these are not issues of law,” said Rosenstein, a longtime federal prosecutor. “It is a candid internal memorandum about the FBI director’s public statements concerning a high-profile criminal investigat­ion.”

In the days after Comey’s firing, some lawmakers, former Justice Department officials and people who knew Rosenstein wondered if he had been forced to write the politicall­y charged memo for Trump. But Rosenstein, who has only recently been confirmed to be the department second-highest ranking official, left no doubt that it was voluntary.

“I wrote it,” Rosenstein said. “I believe it. I stand by it.

“Notwithsta­nding my personal affection for Director Comey, I thought it was appropriat­e to seek a new leader,” Rosenstein said. “I wrote a brief memorandum to the attorney general summarizin­g my long-standing concerns about Director Comey’s public statements concerning the Secretary Clinton email investigat­ion. I chose the issues to include in my memorandum.”

After Rosenstein was nominated by Trump to be deputy attorney general, a friend of Comey’s told the former

FBI director that he was encouraged by Rosenstein’s nomination and likely Senate confirmati­on, according to an account of the conversati­on in the Times.

But Comey did not completely agree with his friend, Ben Wittes, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n and the editor in chief of the Lawfare blog.

“He said, ‘I don’t know. I have some concerns. He’s good, he’s solid but he’s also a survivor and you don’t survive that long without making some compromise­s and I’m concerned about that,” according to the Times account.

Rosenstein had briefed the full Senate on Thursday at an event that left several key questions unanswered, including what exactly Trump said to Rosenstein when he told him Comey would be fired, and to what degree congressio­nal investigat­ors will maintain access to witnesses and documents given Rosenstein’s appointmen­t of Robert Mueller III, a former FBI director, as special counsel. Those issues were not resolved with his speech to members of the House on Friday.

Rosenstein only told House members that he appointed a special counsel to restore Americans’ faith in the Russia investigat­ion, saying that interferen­ce in U.S. elections should not be a partisan issue.

The moment brought applause from most lawmakers present, according to several House members. But Democrats, in particular, left the meeting frustrated that Rosenstein was not more forthcomin­g with informatio­n about Trump’s decision to fire Comey. Several said they learned nothing new from speaking with him.

Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., described the meeting as a “brief presentati­on followed by a Q and A. And not a whole lot of A.”

Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., recalled the “dissonant moment” when Rosenstein refused to say “who had asked him, if anyone had asked him, to write his memorandum.”

“He said, ‘That is Bob Mueller’s purview,’ and that was puzzling to a lot of us,” said Himes, a member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee.

Several lawmakers have expressed concerns that the new special counsel investigat­ion may impede the congressio­nal investigat­ions.

Rosenstein ensured House members that the Justice Department would work with members of Congress “to coordinate our parallel efforts” and establish a point of contact for Mueller.

“You can never get guidance from the executive branch about how Congress is to do something because there’s inherently always going to be tension,” said Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “Congress is going to want to look over the shoulder of this investigat­ion … the executive branch will always try to limit that for fear that it would contaminat­e a potential criminal investigat­ion for leaks, all the while sometimes leaks occur in the executive branch. So I don’t expect this to be any different.”

Rosenstein also told the lawmakers that he is “not aware” of any request by the FBI for additional resources for the investigat­ion of Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election.

“I am not aware of any such request,” Rosenstein said. “Moreover, I consulted my staff and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, and none of them recalls such a request.” Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Matt Apuzzo, Maggie Haberman and Matthew Rosenberg of The New York Times; by Sari Horwitz, Karoun Demirjian and Elise Viebeck of The Washington Post; and by Erica Werner, Eileen Sullivan, Matthew Daly, Richard Lardner, Stephen Ohlemacher, Andrew Taylor, Kevin Freking and Mary Clare Jalonick of The Associated Press.

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