Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Drug tests slow macular degenerati­on


WASHINGTON — An experiment­al drug is showing promise against an untreatabl­e eye disease that blinds older adults — and intriguing­ly, it seems to work in patients who carry a particular gene flaw that fuels the damage to their vision.

Age-related macular degenerati­on is the leading cause of vision loss among seniors, gradually eroding crucial central vision. There are different forms, but more than 5 million people worldwide, and a million in the U.S., have an advanced type of so-called “dry” macular degenerati­on that has no treatment. First patients may notice blurriness when they look straight ahead. Eventually many develop blank spots, becoming legally blind.

“These are seniors who are entering their golden years and now they’ve lost the ability to read, watch television, see their loved ones,” said Dr. Rahul Khurana, a retina specialist and spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmol­ogy.

The experiment­al drug, lampalizum­ab, aims to slow the destructio­n of light-sensing cells in the retina, creeping lesions that characteri­ze the stage of dry age-related macular degenerati­on called “geographic atrophy.” When those cells die, they can’t grow back — the vision loss is irreversib­le.

In an 18-month study of 129 patients, monthly eye injections of the drug modestly slowed worsening of the disease when compared with patients given dummy shots. What’s exciting for scientists came next, when researcher­s from drugmaker Genentech Inc. took a closer look at exactly who was being helped.

It turns out that nearly 6 in 10 of the study’s participan­ts carry a gene variation that makes part of the immune system go awry — a genetic flaw already known to increase the risk of getting macular degenerati­on in the first place.

Those are the only patients who appeared to benefit from the drug; they had 44 percent less eye damage than the untreated patients, the Genentech team reported in the journal Science Translatio­nal Medicine. While the study is too small to prove if lampalizum­ab really helps maintain vision, that’s a bigger difference than the overall results suggested.

One arm of the immune system, the complement pathway, helps fight infections by attracting immune cells to attack bacteria.

Normally, there’s a barrier that keeps such cells away from the retina. But that barrier can break down with age, opening sensitive eye cells to harm from the spillover, explained Genentech immunologi­st Menno van Lookeren Campagne.

Now for the gene connection: Previous studies have linked macular degenerati­on to gene variations that remove some of that pathway’s natural brakes, so it can become too active.

The hypothesis: Genentech’s drug, lampalizum­ab, essentiall­y offers a backup method for tamping down the immune reaction. An antibody, it works by inhibiting a particular enzyme named factor D that helps power the immune pathway.

The study detected no safety concerns, clearing the way for Genentech and its parent company Roche to open two large-scale studies that aim to prove if the drug works. Results are expected later this year.

The current research sheds light on how that long-suspected immune culprit might be working, and is “the first suggestion that there may be a treatment for geographic atrophy coming up in the future,” said National Eye Institute retina specialist Dr. Wai Wong.

“It’s a very, very exciting study,” said Khurana, the ophthalmol­ogist associatio­n’s spokesman, who wasn’t involved with the research. “From the basic science perspectiv­e, it makes a lot of sense.”

Macular degenerati­on tends to occur after age 60, but it sometimes strikes earlier. According to the National Eye Institute, it’s less common in people who exercise regularly, avoid smoking, and eat a diet high in green leafy vegetables and fish.

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