Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR REV. GRAHAM: I’ve always believed in God, but why do I also need to believe in Jesus? Isn’t believing in God enough? I guess I don’t understand where Jesus fits into the picture.

— G.A. DEAR G.A: Your question is very important because Jesus is at the center of the Christian faith, and without Him we have no assurance of our salvation. Let me explain.

Putting our faith and trust in Jesus is crucial for two main reasons. First, it is important because of who He was. The Bible tells us that He was more than just a great teacher, He was God in human flesh. This may be hard for us to understand, but repeatedly the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God. Only Jesus could say, “I and the Father are one. … Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 10:30; 14:9).

But it’s also important for us to put our faith and trust in Jesus because of what He has done for us. We have sinned and rebelled against God, but Christ — who was without sin — took upon Himself the judgment and Hell that we deserve. He did this by dying on the cross in our place. As the Bible says, “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteou­s, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18).

What should you do in response? First, admit that you have sinned against God, and you need His forgivenes­s. Then turn in faith to Jesus and trust Him alone for your salvation. Thank Him for giving His life for you, and respond by giving your life to Him. By a simple prayer of faith commit your life to Christ, and then ask Him to help you to trust Him and follow Him every day.

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