Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio,Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: I’m getting married in late August, and my fiance wants to travel to Europe for our honeymoon. I don’t. I’m apprehensi­ve about traveling to a strange place where I don’t know the language, customs, monetary system or foods. I know my fears are unreasonab­le but how do I conquer them? — Ginger E., Valdosta, Ga. DEAR READER: With all the turmoil in the world, I understand your fears. Here are a few things to think about:

Instead of thinking, “I’m worried about where we’re going,” think, “It is so exciting to see something new.”

Research where you’re going. Perhaps you could take an evening class to study the language. Read about the history and customs of the people who live there. Find places you want to see for yourself, then make sure you go there.

Don’t worry about things you have no control over, such as the weather. Don’t worry about things that probably won’t happen.

Use common sense when traveling. Be aware of what you’re eating and drinking, and be alert in strange surroundin­gs. If you don’t want to lose something, don’t bring it along. Ask the hotel manager or tourist guide what parts of town you should avoid. Enjoy the experience of new sights and sounds.

DEAR HELOISE: I want to know how to attract butterflie­s to my garden. My kids love to watch them, and my son loves to study their habitats. I want to keep encouragin­g them to study nature. — Emma W., Quincy, Mass. DEAR READER: There are a couple of ways to attract butterflie­s and encourage them to inhabit your garden.

You can buy a butterfly box at a garden store, or make one from instructio­ns online. This will offer them shelter.

Butterflie­s are attracted to certain flowers, especially ones they can lay their eggs on. A few of the flowers they usually like are: allium, goldenrod, snapdragon, bee balm, lavender, stonecrop, blueberry bushes, lupine, sweet alyssum, catmint, mint and zinnia.

DEAR READERS: If ice cream thaws, it should not be refrozen. Ice crystals form in the product, and the flavor changes. Flour can be frozen. Baker’s yeast will freeze for years without going bad. Any bakery item with a cream filling should not be frozen. They become soggy.

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