Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The Google files

- David Brooks

There are many actors in the whole Google/diversity drama, but I’d say the one who’s behaved the worst is the CEO, Sundar Pichai.

The first actor is James Damore, who wrote the memo. In it he was trying to explain why 80 percent of Google’s tech employees are male. He agreed that there are large cultural biases but also pointed to a genetic component. Then he described some of the ways the distributi­on of qualities differs across male and female population­s.

Damore was tapping into the long and contentiou­s debate about genes and behavior. On one side are those who believe that humans come out as blank slates and are formed by social structures. On the other are the evolutiona­ry psychologi­sts who argue that genes interact with environmen­t and play a large role in shaping who we are. In general the evolutiona­ry psychologi­sts have been winning this debate.

When it comes to the genetic difference­s between male and female brains, I’d say the mainstream view is that male and female abilities are the same across the vast majority of domains—IQ , the ability to do math, etc. But there are some ways that male and female brains are, on average, different. There seems to be more connectivi­ty between the hemisphere­s, on average, in female brains. Prenatal exposure to different levels of androgen does seem to produce different effects throughout the life span.

In his memo Damore cites a series of studies, making the case, for example, that men tend to be more interested in things and women more interested in people. (Interest is not the same as ability.) Several scientists in the field have backed up his summary of the data. “Despite how it’s been portrayed, the memo was fair and factually accurate,” Debra Soh wrote in The Globe and Mail in Toronto.

Geoffrey Miller, a prominent evolutiona­ry psychologi­st, wrote in Quillette, “For what it’s worth, I think that almost all of the Google memo’s empirical claims are scientific­ally accurate.”

Damore was especially careful to say this research applies only to population­s, not individual­s: “Many of these difference­s are small and there’s significan­t overlap between men and women, so you can’t say anything about an individual given these population-level distributi­ons.”

That’s the crucial point. But we don’t live as population­s; we live individual lives.

We should all have a lot of sympathy for the second group of actors in this drama, the women in tech who felt the memo made their lives harder. Picture yourself in a hostile male-dominated environmen­t, getting interrupte­d at meetings, being ignored, having your abilities doubted, and along comes some guy arguing that women are on average less status hungry and more vulnerable to stress. You’d object.

What we have is a legitimate tension. Damore is describing a truth on one level; his sensible critics are describing a different truth, one that exists on another level. He is championin­g scientific research; they are championin­g gender equality. It takes a little subtlety to harmonize these strands, but it’s do-able.

Of course subtlety is in hibernatio­n in modern America. The third player in the drama is Google’s diversity officer Danielle Brown. She didn’t wrestle with any of the evidence behind Damore’s memo. She just wrote that his views “advanced incorrect assumption­s about gender.” This is ideology obliterati­ng reason.

The fourth actor is the media. The coverage of the memo has been atrocious.

As Conor Friedersdo­rf wrote in the Atlantic, “I cannot remember the last time so many outlets and observers mischaract­erized so many aspects of a text everyone possessed.” Various reporters and critics apparently decided that Damore opposes all things Enlightene­d People believe and therefore they don’t have to afford him the basic standards of intellectu­al fairness.

Which brings us to Pichai, the supposed grownup in the room. He could have wrestled with the tension between population-level research and individual experience. He could have stood up for the free flow of informatio­n. Instead he joined the mob. He fired Damore and wrote, “To suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biological­ly suited to that work is offensive and not OK.”

That is a blatantly dishonest characteri­zation of the memo. Damore wrote nothing like that about his Google colleagues. Pichai is unprepared to understand the research (unlikely), is not capable of handling complex data flows (a bad trait in a CEO) or was simply too afraid to stand up to a mob.

Regardless which weakness applies, this episode suggests he should seek a nonleaders­hip position. We are at a moment when mobs on the left and the right ignore evidence and destroy scapegoats. That’s when we need good leaders most.

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