Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

On white supremacy


On Aug. 19, white supremacis­ts gathered once more in Hot Springs to worship their Confederat­e deities and further ostracize the citizens of color in our state.

I speak to the decent white individual­s who read this: Please work to stop these egregious displays whenever and however you can. I understand the fear; we watched as a counterpro­tester was murdered in Charlottes­ville. The fear is real and justified. However, the violence will only escalate until enough people stand in opposition to these hate groups.

While the Confederat­e rallies in Hot Springs have not brought on overt violence, I am positive that the impact on our black citizens is a form of violence white people don’t understand or experience. It is our job to create a safer, more stable atmosphere for the people of color in our state. It is our responsibi­lity to end these hateful parades of white supremacy. In fact, it is a celebratio­n of our heritage and our great nation to shout over the voices of those who would strip other human beings of their rights.

The Confederac­y is not Southern heritage; it is a sad reminder of a failed rebellion that existed to continue labeling people of color as property. Arkansas has spent too long being in national headlines for our mistakes—let’s start showing the nation that Arkansas can be a front-runner in the fight for racial equality. ERICA KRINER Pine Bluff

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