Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

LA troupe hilariousl­y improvises quasi-Bard


It’s an actor’s nightmare: Finding yourself onstage in a Shakespear­e play, but without a script — and having to make it all up as you go along.

But the six members of Los Angeles-based Impro Theatre (including North Little Rock native Brian Michael Jones) who put on Shakespear­e UnScripted Thursday night at the Argenta Community Theater not only made it work, but earned the audience’s laughter through a blend of verbal dexterity, physical shtick and being able to think fast on their feet.

The troupe asked for audience suggestion­s for an image from nature and, behold, a show was born out of just that. The Waterfall and the Apple Tree is pretty much what William Shakespear­e might have produced if, instead of penning a play, if he was making it up out of whole cloth as it went along.

All the facets of a Shakespear­e comedy bloomed upon the stage: star-crossed lovers separated by family conflict, a father who plans to marry his shiny daughter off to a spavined but wealthy duke, a mother who only wants the best for her child, a brother-turned-comic-manservant and a somewhat soggy spirit helping true romance blossom. Silliness, of course, ensued.

There are very few things harder for an actor than to improvise in iambic pentameter and Elizabetha­n phraseolog­y (if you don’t think so, try covering for a late entrance in The Merchant of Venice sometime), and things often came close to falling apart. But the performers — even at the risk of cracking their colleagues up — ably stepped in (literally and figurative­ly) to save one another. They also contribute­d stormy sound effects and bird calls via stage-side microphone­s.

Impro Theatre changes a couple of gears to present The Twilight Zone UnScripted at 8 p.m. today at Argenta Community Theater, 405 Main St., North Little Rock. It’s part of the 2017 Acansa Festival. Ticket informatio­n is available online at visit

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