Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A recipe for success


Imagine that at Thanksgivi­ng dinner, you find yourself seated next to a cousin you like a lot but rarely see—or better still, a devastatin­gly attractive friend of the family, someone you think you’d like to know better.

Here’s a quiz: What’s the best way to make a good impression?

Talk about an amazing, exotic trip you took within the last year.

Find a subtle way to disclose something impressive about yourself, preferably an achievemen­t of some kind.

Be funny and fun; tell plenty of jokes.

Ask the person a lot of questions about herself or himself, combined with follow-up questions.

Discuss, in the most interestin­g way you possibly can, something that’s in the news, whether it’s politics, books or music.

A lot of people act as if the right answer is (2) or (5). It isn’t.

If you picked (4), congratula­tions. Your cousin might become a good friend—or you might get a date with the new acquaintan­ce.

That’s the central lesson of recent research by Harvard University’s Karen Huang, Michael Yeomans, Alison Wood Brooks, Julia Minson and Francesca Gino. Huang and her colleagues began with a simple experiment, arranging two-person conversati­ons with more than 400 people. They randomly assigned a task to one participan­t in these interactio­ns: asking either a large or a small number of questions. The other participan­t was not made aware of that assignment.

After the conversati­on, people were asked what they thought about the person they had been talking to—and what they thought that person thought about them.

The central finding was clear: People ended up most liking those who asked them a lot of questions. Notably, participan­ts did not anticipate that.

Third-party observers, asked to read the transcript­s and to predict how much people would like their partners, also got it wrong. They failed to see that participan­ts would like people who asked a lot of questions. The lesson is that when you’re asked lots of questions, you feel drawn to the person who is asking them—and if you’re just observing the conversati­on, you probably won’t see that’s happening.

To see how their findings might apply in the real world, Huang and her colleagues tested their claims with an extensive study of speed-dating, involving 110 men and women, participat­ing in 15 to 19 speed dates. After each date, people were asked whether they wanted a second date.

The conversati­ons were recorded, enabling the experiment­ers to ask: What’s the best way to get someone to want to go out with you? Men were a lot more likely to be interested in second dates than were women; they wanted such dates with 57 percent of their partners, as opposed to 38 percent for women. But for both men and women, asking follow-up questions was a strong predictor of whether people would want a second date.

Huang and her colleagues are the first to establish the importance of follow-up questions, but their findings are in line with many others. People who promote themselves, by bragging about their accomplish­ments, greatly underestim­ate how much their conversati­on partners will be annoyed (rather than happy for them).

Their efforts to impress others, and to win their affection, end up backfiring. So, too, people often fail to see that if your goal is to be liked, it’s often smart simply to agree with what other people have to say.

Sure, there are complicati­ons, for Thanksgivi­ng and dating alike. Most people like to talk about themselves, which creates a trade-off: If you focus on someone else, you might not have as much fun, even if you’ll be better liked. And there are limits: If follow-up questions are too aggressive or too personal, they can be irritating and intrusive.

Importantl­y, Huang and her colleagues could not test the quality of follow-up questions. If your questions are insulting (“Why did you do something so idiotic?”), repetitive or routine (“And then what happened?”), or ridiculous (“Gosh, did you feel just like Spider Man?”), you might not make such a terrific impression.

But enough about that. Here’s what I’d really like to know: What was the best book you read last month? And what did you like about it?

Happy Thanksgivi­ng.

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