Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Even the most supportive of workplaces can be stressful. Even when you love your job, you can feel as if you are always behind or could be doing more. While there is always room for improvemen­t, often what needs improvemen­t is the individual’s mindset. Take the last 15 minutes of your day to complete the following actions, and end your day on a positive note. It won’t be long before these small steps positively affect the rest of your work — and your overall career trajectory.


Take stock of what you’ve been able to accomplish in the past eight(ish) hours. Often, we get stuck in a negative mindset and focus only on what we were not able to complete. Reviewing your accomplish­ments helps you quantify and assess your strengths. Even if you haven’t completed any major projects, remember that the smaller items on the to-do list that you did accomplish will chip away at the bigger goals.


Create a list of the tasks that need to be completed the next day, and

organize them in a way that is effective for you — such as by priority level or by how much time each will require. Next, review your schedule for any upcoming meetings. This heads-up could remind you that you need to dress slightly differentl­y the next day or need to get to work earlier than normal.


Make sure your desk is clear and that files, supplies and materials are put away. Ending the day with a clean space will help you feel more in control, and starting the day with a clean space will keep you focused. Cleaning up tends to be a task about which we procrastin­ate. Don’t allow yourself to get sidetracke­d first thing in the morning with “housekeepi­ng.”


If you’re actively looking for other employment, taking control of your workspace and improving your mental clarity will leave you feeling refreshed for conducting your search. Use your evening and early-morning time to search job boards and send emails to past colleagues to let them know you’re on the market. Spend some time refreshing your resume or online presence. These small steps can lead to a big splash in the job market.

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