Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email HELOISE

DEAR HELOISE: We recently read a request in an obituary for contributi­ons to be given to the children or grandchild­ren of the deceased for their education. Also, requests are made to send contributi­ons to the funeral home to defray the cost of the funeral. I’ve seen this a few times, and it seems new to me.

— Gin, Lewistown, Pa. DEAR READER: Gin, a lot may depend on the family’s circumstan­ces or customs. Most importantl­y, do what you feel is right. Many notices will have that in place of flowers, donations be made to an organizati­on, such as a medical one, or an animal rescue or other group. However, if you are uncomforta­ble with that, send a nice card with a handwritte­n note. It will mean a lot, I promise!

DEAR HELOISE: I have another use for those perfume and cologne strips in magazines: If you cut the strips from the magazines without opening them, they make great bookmarks for your latest novel or magazine article. You get a whiff of the fragrance each time you open your books.

— Kelly M., Gerrardsto­wn, W.Va. DEAR READER: It’s certainly a nice way to open a book. However, please don’t use this on very old or antique books, as it may harm the paper.

P.S. I tear the ads out and save them. Then when it’s time to reline the bathroom wastebaske­t, I open the scent part and squish the whole page down into the bottom. It seems nice for some time, and when I empty the trash can, I dump the whole thing. No mess on the bottom, either. A double-duty hint!

Readers, what do you do with these lovely scented inserts? If you don’t like them, most magazines can send you a magazine that does not contain any.

DEAR HELOISE: Please tell your readers to wash their hands before they put away their groceries. They’ve used a cart with a handle that several people have touched; handled money, which is filthy; and handled boxes that were stacked by someone else. This is especially important during flu and cold season.

— Gloria M., Washington DEAR READER: You are correct. If you can’t wash your hands, do use a hand sanitizer. I keep a small one in my purse and find myself using it several times a day when out and about.

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