Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Need to be fiscally fit


Using data from U.S. Treasury Direct, the national debt increased 4.4 times during President Ronald Reagan’s and George H.W. Bush’s terms of office. During President Clinton’s term, it increased 1.3 times. During President George W. Bush’s term, it nearly doubled. The nation lived well on the credit card during the 20 years. There were four years in which the annual fiscal years were in surplus: 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. Total national debt increased due to interest.

In my opinion, there are two ways to cut the annual deficit: raise taxes or cut spending. During President Clinton’s terms both were used, and an annual surplus resulted for the last four fiscal years.

It seems the Republican­s want to always cut taxes, increase military spending, and cut social programs. After taxes are cut, they always complain there is not enough money for social programs; I wonder why. Congress needs to get the safetynet programs on a fiscally sound basis. Where is Ross Perot? There should be enough experts available to recommend means to do so, even if taxes need raising or a later age instituted to start benefits. I paid into the system while working. I expect to receive the benefits promised. I expect medical suppliers to receive reasonable pay to stay in business.

Ability to pay debt depends on the national economy. If you reach a point where national income quits rising, the standard of living will fall. Who wants austerity? I don’t. Anyone know how to have your cake while eating it? DALE GOSSIEN Little Rock

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