Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Must accept realities


In just over a year in office, it seems we have experience­d nothing but chaos from this president. He doesn’t believe experience­d personnel confirming Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election, fires or tries to fire anyone that can prove this, insults world leaders, and antagonize­s the leader of North Korea, which could lead to a nuclear attack. Trump also refuses to acknowledg­e women when it comes to sexual harassment or assault. Could this be because he has been linked to multiple sexual-harassment incidents and now two affairs? This constant chaos leaves our nation vulnerable to our enemies and threatens the very democracy our nation was founded upon.

Now he wants to spend millions of dollars to have a military parade. Really—how outrageous! Dictators demand this type of show. This truly has nothing to do with honoring the great men and women of our military. It continues with Trump’s need to elevate himself. If he truly wants to honor our military, why not take the millions of dollars this parade would cost and give them a well-deserved raise? Write your members of Congress and encourage them to speak out against this parade.

Americans, we need to stop taking our freedoms for granted. It’ s time to stop complacenc­y and become educated voters. We have to stop making candidates be what we want them to be and accept the reality of who they really are and what they stand for. KAY HERMANSEN-POOL


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