Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Worst abuse of logic


Mike Masterson’s Give-Trump-aChance column is a tour de force of naïvete and denial. The problem with Trump is not that he has a limited vocabulary; it’s what he says using that vocabulary. He insults, divides, inflames, incites; and worst of all, he lies. And when he gets caught in a lie, which is virtually every time he opens his mouth, he unabashedl­y lies some more. I believe Trump’s words are not merely a manifestat­ion of plain-speaking, they are the products of a diseased mind and soul. Funny that so many who call themselves Christians can’t come to grips with the moral bankruptcy of their president—and I’m still just talking about bearing false witness. And no, the Russian collusion is not “purely politicize­d”; it’s becoming more concrete with every new guilty plea from Trump’s slimy campaign creatures.

Masterson’s worst moment, and his worst abuse of logic, comes when he attempts to prove that Trump ran for president because “he cared … about the nation and the future of our children,” and offers, as proof, the “salary he needlessly sacrificed for the good of the country.” As a lifelong wage slave, perhaps Masterson isn’t aware of how Trump makes money. A small example should be sufficient: Following the election, Trump doubled the membership fee at Mar-a-Lago from $100,000 to $200,000. Since then, he has been leveraging the presidency into making more money for the Trump brand in any way he can.

Stick to beating up the hog farm, Mike. You clearly don’t have the political sophistica­tion or the cognitive horsepower to figure out what’s really going on at the national level. ALEX MIRONOFF


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