Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Calamities are coming faster


In the course of a week, President Donald Trump convulsed the markets and American business with a protection­ist initiative which, if carried out, risks setting off a trade war. He scrambled Republican­s by promising to back a bunch of gun measures he probably doesn’t intend to back once his aides explain that the National Rifle Associatio­n and his base oppose most of what he embraced. And he refused to empower his national security team to protect our election system against future manipulati­on by Russia.

Speaking of which, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is, according to NBC News, “assembling a case for criminal charges against Russians who carried out the hacking and leaking of private informatio­n designed to hurt Democrats in the 2016 election.” Even more alarming—given Trump’s invitation for Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails and the attendees of the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower designed to get “dirt” on her—“one source suggested that a new indictment could include unnamed American co-conspirato­rs as part of a strategy to pressure those involved to cooperate.”

Collusion may begin to show up in indictment­s.

Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner (who attended that Trump Tower meeting with Russians) lost his top-secret-level interim security clearance and was found to have received hundreds of millions of dollars ($184 million from Apollo Global Management and $325 million from Citigroup) in business loans after meeting with top executives at the White House.

Now Ivanka is potentiall­y in hot water as well. CNN reports that U.S. counter-intelligen­ce officials are scrutinizi­ng one of Ivanka Trump’s internatio­nal business deals, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Meanwhile, Trump is back to publicly berating Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who responded with a pointed statement—then went out to dinner with Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein in a very public sign of solidarity.

Anyone who is surprised by the utter chaos, the ethical sleaze, the policy incoherenc­e and the nepotism/cronyism was not paying attention during Trump’s career in real estate or during his campaign. This is how Trump ran his family operation, stumbling through one failed venture after another. This is how Trump wound up declaring bankruptcy multiple times. No one—not John Kelly, Ivanka, Jared, the GOP Congress—can keep him on task. Trump is still indifferen­t to learning policy and is prone to prattle in public about subjects he doesn’t bother to study.

Republican­s who empowered him and refused to stand up to him have a giant mess on their hands—a dysfunctio­nal government and a looming electoral disaster. Trump will either be compelled to leave office or will continue to spin out of control. Aides tell the press this is a new level of chaos. Don’t worry. It’ll get worse.

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