Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Giuliani calls pardons possible

Trump to decide after probe


WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that the president might pardon his jailed, onetime campaign chairman and others ensnared in the Russia investigat­ion once special counsel Robert Mueller’s work wraps up, if he believed they were treated “unfairly.”

Until then, considerat­ion of clemency is unnecessar­y, Giuliani said, as the White House presses to bring the yearlong investigat­ion to an end.

Giuliani, who appeared Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union and CBS’ Face the Nation, denied that Trump was trying to send a message to Paul Manafort, who was the 2016 chairman for nearly five months, or others to refrain from cooperatin­g with prosecutor­s. The former New York City mayor suggested that an end to the investigat­ion could be in sight one way or the other — either by undercutti­ng Mueller’s inquiry as illegitima­te or, if necessary, by agreeing to a Trump interview with prosecutor­s under limited conditions.

“The president is not going to issue pardons in this investigat­ion,” Giuliani said. “Because you just cloud what is becoming now a very clear picture of an extremely unfair investigat­ion with no criminalit­y involved in it of any kind.”

But, he added, “When it’s over, hey, he’s the president of the United States. He retains his pardon power. Nobody is taking that away from him. He can pardon, in his judgment.”

Manafort was sent to jail last week after a federal judge revoked his house arrest over allegation­s of witness tampering in the Russia investigat­ion. Trump has criticized that decision as “very unfair” as Manafort prepares for two criminal trials.

Trump made clear on Sunday his view of Mueller’s investigat­ion, saying it was “on pretty weak grounds right now.”

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on Face the Nation she thought it would be “more helpful if the president never mentioned the word pardon again with respect to the Russian investigat­ion because he wants to get that Russian investigat­ion completed. And every time he brings up the issue of pardons it gives the investigat­ors something else that they have to look into.”

Trump and his lawyers have seized on a Justice Department inspector general’s report on the 2016 Hillary Clinton email investigat­ion that found insubordin­ation and poor judgment at the FBI. Some of the officials who worked on the Clinton investigat­ion also worked on the FBI’s Russia probe, but the report did not find that political bias had tainted the Clinton review.

The Justice Department has asked its internal watchdog to review whether there was any politicall­y motivated surveillan­ce by the FBI of the Trump campaign.

“This is a case where it’s crying out for someone to investigat­e the investigat­ors,” Giuliani said. “We want the Mueller probe to be investigat­ed, the way the Trump administra­tion has been investigat­ed.”

Echoing Giuliani’s view, former White House strategist Steve Bannon said there was no need for pardons because Trump could disrupt the Russia investigat­ion by firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller.

Bannon suggested that Trump should order Rosenstein to comply in the next two days with every subpoena he has received from congressio­nal committees.

“If he does not do it in 48 hours, he’s fired,” Bannon said on ABC’s This Week. “You’re not going to need pardons. … With the exposure of all this, as we go into it, we’re going to get into the substrate and the foundation of the entire Mueller investigat­ion.”

Signaling some openness to a Trump interview with Mueller’s team, Giuliani outlined the possibilit­y under narrow conditions and said he expected Trump to make a decision by July 4. Giuliani said he is opposed to having an interview but “the president wants to do it so we have to sort through it.”

“If we did have it …obviously what we would really like something in writing, responded to in writing. And it can be under oath.”

He said the interview could be audio recorded, but that questions would need to be limited just to specific questions about “the heart of the probe” — allegation­s of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Mueller is also investigat­ing questions of whether Trump improperly sought to obstruct the probe, such as by firing James Comey as FBI director, and if Trump refuses an interview, Mueller could resort to a subpoena to compel testimony.

Giuliani said they’d prefer that Trump sit for a two-hour interview and Mueller’s team probably wants four, “so let’s settle at 3.”

“There might be a narrow area that we could all agree on,” he said.

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