Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Ignoring knowledge


I just got back from a wonderful trip to England. It was great to see where my relatives once lived near Halifax, before they came to the U.S. in 1841. While there, a young fellow approached me and wanted to tell me something he said was very important and surprising. He wanted to show me a “picture” of what earth really looked like: concave in appearance, or bowllike in shape; and second, that earth did not move.

He seemed a little bit miffed when I told him I was probably the last person he should tell this to, since I was a retired science teacher, and that the earth did move.

It seems today we are facing an insurmount­able amount of evidence that the ignorance in this world could put end to civilizati­on and all life as we know it today. We seem to be our own worst enemy, and no one is coming to save humanity.

And, saddest of all is that our religious beliefs may only make things worse.

So many people want the benefits of science and technology, but ignore the very knowledge that gives us these benefits.

When people suspend 95-plus percent of the knowledge of the world, they then can believe the earth is only a few thousand years old, was totally covered by water miles deep and every single animal species was saved, all life was created as it is today and has never changed over time, etc. And in today’s world, we did no harm to the ozone layer, mankind cannot affect the weather or climate, and there are more trees today than ever before. (Just a few things I have heard.)

How can people believe in things like miracle cure-alls (teas, herbs, crystals, etc.), and be willing to spend tons of their money for such things, then ignore the facts and scientific evidence that most of this is nonsense and hype?

If you think prayer will help, say a prayer that mankind doesn’t contaminat­e the earth with radioactiv­e dust and fallout, and destroy the only place where all of us call home. It’s our Eden. LARRY D. BINTLIFF

Bee Branch

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