Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: I had a recipe that called for buttermilk, and I didn’t have any in the house. Since I live out in the country, a grocery store isn’t just around the corner. I used plain milk, but would love to know what I can use for a substitute in the future.

— Darcy T. in Minnesota DEAR READER: No buttermilk? One solution is to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of regular milk. Allow this to sit for 10 minutes so it can thicken, then add it to the recipe. You also can substitute yogurt in some recipes for baked goods.

DEAR HELOISE: I have a very hard time keeping my bacon from sticking together. When I try to remove it from the package, I end up shredding it because the bacon sticks together. Help!

— Carol J., Oklahoma DEAR READER: Roll your bacon package in a tube shape, with the bacon facing outward, and put a rubber band around it before you refrigerat­e it. This may help it not stick together.

DEAR HELOISE: What can I do when my gravy is too thin? My husband loves thick, rich gravy, but mine usually is a disappoint­ment!

— Marcy F., Bryan, Texas DEAR READER: First reheat the gravy. Next, dissolve a little extra cornstarch in cold water (don’t overdo the water) and add to the gravy, stirring constantly until thickness is achieved.

DEAR HELOISE: Recently, I got my first apartment, and I’m learning to cook, mostly by trial and error. I bought a cookbook that has a recipe calling for “mace.” Surely that doesn’t mean the same stuff you spray in case of attack, but what is it, and how is it used?

— Stephan W., Michigan DEAR READER: Mace is made from the lacy covering of nutmeg’s outer shell. You’ll find it’s usually used to flavor doughnuts, hot dogs and English fruitcakes. You’ll also find it in some barbecue sauces or in pumpkin pie mixtures.

DEAR HELOISE: Is it really safe to drink day-old coffee?

— Cassie P., Maywood, Neb. DEAR READER: Since coffee is very acidic, it helps keep down the bacterial growth. Drinking unrefriger­ated day-old coffee probably will not harm you, but avoid drinking coffee that’s been sitting out more than one day.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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