Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Nation needs a hero


What is the average citizen of the U.S. supposed to do in these times? There has always been division in this country, with people being distrustfu­l, fearful and hateful toward others who are of different background­s, beliefs, and economic status. Not only between races; I remember hearing how much the Irish immigrants were despised when they fled the potato famine in Ireland and came to this country. And later, one of their descendant­s would become a U.S. president. How many of us have ancestors who were born in America?

But now, our own government is acting with intoleranc­e toward so many groups of people, even our own citizens. I can’t believe this reflects the feelings of most Americans. Is it just because the Internet and television bring everything to our attention that there seems to be so much more violence and bigotry?

The Statue of Liberty, were she a live person, would be weeping now. Those words engraved on her monument have become hollow. We have condemned the barbaric behavior of government­s and rulers around the world, and yet we have taken by force children from their parents at our borders, and many of those families are still separated. Our greatest asset as a democracy, clean elections, also has been compromise­d, it seems.

Maybe all of this is happening to wake us up, to ask ourselves, “What does it mean to be patriotic? How can we show that patriotism?” I applaud and admire all the groups that have been showing up to protest what they see as wrongs in government, gun control, women’s rights, etc.

We need a hero. We need a man or woman that is wise and caring and ready to lead, to take on those who seem to have taken over this country, the ones whose greed has usurped good will and health, the environmen­t, and peace of mind.

God, we have so much here that is worth protecting!


Little Rock

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