Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



When West led the heart jack against three no-trump, declarer saw that the most likely way to generate the two extra tricks he needed was by developing long tricks in spades.

If spades were 3-3, any play would develop two extra tricks. However, declarer saw that playing the ace, king and another spade might not utilize his spots to best effect. So, after winning the first trick with the heart ace, he led a low spade from the table. East followed with the two, and declarer played the nine from hand. When that held the trick, declarer cashed the spade ace, then crossed to dummy with a low club to the ace.

Next, he played the king and another spade, throwing clubs from hand. Upon winning the fourth round of spades with the queen, East shifted to the diamond nine. When declarer covered this with the 10, West won it with the jack. Since cashing the diamond ace was likely to give declarer an overtrick,

West exited with a heart.

At this point, declarer claimed nine tricks: four spades, three hearts and two clubs.

Declarer’s play in spades was best because it picked up four tricks against all 3-3 breaks, queen-jack doubleton with West, East holding four spades with the queen and jack, and the jack or queen doubleton with East.

This offers almost a two-thirds chance of making four tricks in spades — quite an improvemen­t over the odds offered by just banging out the ace, king and another spade, which comes in at just over a onethird chance.


This hand is too good to pass. It does not have to be right to act, but in fourth seat with opening values and short diamonds, it looks normal to bid. Are you going to re-open with a three-spade bid or with a takeout double? Doubling may find a 5-3 heart fit or lose a 5-3 spade fit. It may also get you more easily to three no-trump or three diamonds doubled, but put me down for a reluctant three-spade bid. If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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