Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Net postings fuel child-bride bids


JUBA, South Sudan — Five hundred cows, two luxury cars, $10,000, two bikes, a boat and a few cellphones made up the final price in a heated bidding war for a child bride in South Sudan that went viral after the auction was pointed out on Facebook. It is the largest dowry ever paid in the civil-war-torn country, the government said.

The highest bidder was a man three times the 17-yearold’s age. At least four other men in Eastern Lakes state competed, said Philips Anyang Ngong, a human-rights lawyer who tried to stop the bidding last month. Among the bidders was the state’s deputy governor.

“She has been reduced to a mere commodity,” Ngong said, calling it “the biggest test of child abuse, traffickin­g and auctioning of a human being.” Everyone involved should be held accountabl­e, he said.

Earlier this month, Nyalong became the man’s ninth wife. Photos posted on Facebook show her sitting beside the groom, wearing a lavish dress and staring despondent­ly at the floor. The Associated Press is using only her first name to protect her identity. The groom did not respond to requests for comment.

South Sudan has a deeply rooted cultural practice of paying dowries for brides, usually in the form of cows. It also has a long history of child marriage. Even though that practice is now illegal, 40 percent of girls still marry before age 18, according to the United Nations Population Fund. The practice “threatens girls’ lives” and limits prospects for their future, said Dr. Mary Otieno, the agency’s country representa­tive.

The bidding war has caused local and internatio­nal outrage. It took several days for Facebook to remove the post that first pointed out the auction, and after it was taken down other posts “glorifying” the situation remained, George Otim, country director for Plan Internatio­nal South Sudan, said.

Facebook did not reply to a request for comment.

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