Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Over the Fence

NAME: David Peterson AGE: 27 CITY: Russellvil­le


Each Sunday, the River Valley & Ozark Edition features a resident from the area to help readers get to know their neighbors. To suggest someone to run in this feature, email rvonews@arkansason­

What is your occupation?

Bookseller/coffee slinger

Would you rather be a jack-of-all-trades or a master of one?

A jack-of-all-trades

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest parts of the ocean?

A new planet

What do you do to unwind?

I read with a cup of coffee.

What fad do you wish would come back?

Calling people “home skillet” — those were some good times.

What was your favorite food as a kid?

Pretty much, any sort of pie

Which are you more likely to fight for — love or money?


If you could choose your last words, what would they be?

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done.”

What animal best represents you, and why?

A cat, because I care nothing for societal norms.

Do you prefer zombies or aliens?

Zombies — I might have a chance to avoid them entirely.

Is there anything or anyone that you’re a fan of that you’re ashamed to admit?

I do enjoy LARPing (live action role playing).

If you could instantly learn a specific new instrument or language, which would you choose?

I would learn German.

Where is your favorite place to vacation in Arkansas?


What’s your favorite outdoor festival or event to go to?

A good Renaissanc­e fair

What is your favorite smell?

Freshly baked cookies

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