Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Make a little kindness an event on a calendar


We all know advent calendars of chocolate.

But recently a sweet calendar of a different kind caught my eye: Advent of Kindness.

The unattribut­ed viral calendar that was shared by a friend contains a good deed per day for the month of December. What better way to spread a little joy this season than to focus on serving others in small ways?

We’re more than a week into December, so we can either double up on good deeds. At least Day 8 … definitely don’t miss that! (Day 1: “Give someone a hug or compliment.” Day 2: “Let someone in front of you in line.” Day 3: “Buy a friend or colleague coffee.” Day 4: “Hold the door open for someone.” Day 5: “Give a friend or loved one your full attention.” Day 6: “Donate a Christmas present to a charity.” Day 7: “Tell a joke to make someone smile.” Day 8: “Do something kind for yourself.”) Or we can just start today! Today: “Hide a happy note for someone to find.”

We’re guessing slipping one’s personal gift wish list into someone’s pocket doesn’t exactly count?

Dec. 10: “Donate unwanted books to charity.”

A splendid idea for those who actually have unwanted books — or any books, for that matter. All some of us have these days are eBooks.

Dec. 11: “Tape some money on a vending machine.”

And a note along with it. Otherwise people will think they’re being pranked and look for the hidden camera.

Dec. 12: “Smile at a stranger or two. Or 15.”

Just watch your approach. There’s merry. And then there’s #metoo.

Dec. 13: “Get in touch with an old friend or relative.”

But which one to contact? Someone who might owe us money/favors!

Dec. 14: “Let a car in front of you in traffic.”

We suppose they mean without the usual horn honking, gesturing, swearing and tailgating.

Dec. 15: “Write or send a thank-you note to someone.”

Don’t put this one off. Because it’s the right thing to do. And because stamp prices are going up 5 cents in January.

Dec. 16: “Smile and

thank someone who serves you.”

That is if you encounter an actual human being between using the ATM, the automated car wash and the grocery self-checkout.

Dec. 17: “Tell someone you love them.”

On a Monday? Like at the office? Bonus: After that, you’ll get some quality Yuletide time with the folks in HR.

Dec. 18: “Pay for a stranger’s coffee.”

But check out the vehicle behind you first. If it’s a pickup truck, great — black coffee, no problem. If it’s a luxury SUV, you’ll be financing a venti peppermint mocha with six shots of espresso and soy milk.

Dec. 19: “Offer to help someone.”

And by waiting so late, less than a week before Christmas, they probably will have done everything and won’t take you up on it.

Dec. 20: “Feed animals (birds, deer, etc.).”

But if you Google “feed deer,” you’ll find many people who suggest doing so can harm them and their chances of survival. Oh, deer!

Dec. 21: “Donate unwanted clothes to charity.”

And you should have plenty that don’t fit after all the eggnog, peppermint bark and cookies.

Dec. 22: “Do something unexpected for someone.”

Like actually share your eggnog, peppermint bark and cookies.

Dec. 23: “Give a treat to your postal carrier.”

Of course, caring for your carrier would be better on any day that isn’t Sunday!

Dec. 24: “Do something kind for yourself.”

Right. Yeah. Go have a spa day. On Christmas Eve. When there are still last-minute gifts to buy and wrap and food to

buy and cook and church services to go to. OK.

Dec. 25: “Reflect and record how much joy this season brought to you.”

And then dream of the advent of spring!

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