Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

EU holds firm on U.K. exit plan

Brits, bloc to have talks, but March 29 divorce still in works


BRUSSELS — Britain and the European Union refused to budge an inch Thursday toward any compromise over Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc, but at least they are on speaking terms again about their impending divorce.

They agreed to further negotiatio­ns in the next few weeks, although that means any deal will come perilously close to the scheduled deadline of March 29. That risks a chaotic departure for Britain that could be costly to both sides — to businesses and to ordinary people.

“A no-deal is for us not an option. It is a disaster on both sides of the Channel,” said Guy Verhofstad­t, the European Parliament’s chief exit official.

Looking at the ever-tighter deadline, British Prime Minister Theresa May said after talks at EU headquarte­rs in Brussels, “It’s not going to be easy.”

But she vowed: “I am going to deliver Brexit. I am going to deliver it on time.”

May was able to clear the air after EU Council President Donald Tusk exacerbate­d the frosty climate Wednesday by wondering aloud what “special place in hell” might be reserved for those who backed the withdrawal with no idea of how to deliver it.

May said she had “raised with President Tusk the language that he used,” saying his words “caused widespread dismay” in Britain.

Tusk’s comments were condemned by anti-EU British lawmakers but at least served to focus minds on how wide a gulf remains between the U.K. and the EU. It was little surprise that talks at EU Commission headquarte­rs were described as “robust.”

At the end, May and EU Commission President JeanClaude Juncker agreed on a renewed effort to hold more negotiatio­ns on seeking a breakthrou­gh.

The two leaders agreed to assess progress “before the end of February to take stock of these discussion­s,” a joint statement said. Two years ago, May set exit day as March 29 — and original plans were to have a deal in place six months ahead of time.

As the time shrinks between a deal and the cutoff date, the more difficult it becomes for businesses and authoritie­s to adapt quickly to the fundamenta­l changes that a withdrawal from the bloc would entail.

Both sides still disagree on whether the divorce agreement struck between May’s government and the EU — and then summarily rejected by Britain’s Parliament — can be changed to ease British objections.

“The EU27 will not reopen the Withdrawal Agreement, which represents a carefully balanced compromise between the European Union and the U.K., in which both sides have made significan­t concession­s,” the joint statement said.

U.K. officials said May’s primary concern was not to be “trapped” in a system that could see Britain linked to the EU in a customs union for an indefinite time and not be able to set its own trade agenda.

Britain’s Parliament voted down May’s deal last month, largely because of concerns about a provision for the border between the U.K.’s Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland. The mechanism, known as the backstop, is a safeguard that would keep the U.K. in a customs union with the EU to remove the need for checks along the Irish border until a permanent new trading relationsh­ip is in place.

Thursday’s statement said that May “raised various options for dealing with these concerns in the context of the withdrawal agreement.”

Many anti-EU lawmakers in Britain say they won’t vote for the withdrawal agreement unless the backstop is removed from the 585-page deal, which the EU leaders oppose vehemently.

Juncker and the other leaders have agreed to look for a compromise in a political text accompanyi­ng the withdrawal agreement, but not in the document itself.

“What we would look at as positive from today is that there are going to be talks,” a senior Downing Street official said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the U.K.-EU negotiatio­ns. “Obviously we’ve got work to do.”

“I am going to deliver Brexit. I am going to deliver it on time.”

— British Prime Minister Theresa May

 ?? AP/FRANCISCO SECO ?? British Prime Minister Theresa May arrives for a meeting Thursday with European Parliament President Antonio Tajani at European Union headquarte­rs in Brussels.
AP/FRANCISCO SECO British Prime Minister Theresa May arrives for a meeting Thursday with European Parliament President Antonio Tajani at European Union headquarte­rs in Brussels.

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