Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Splinter bids in response to major-suit opening bids help a partnershi­p determine whether they are in the slam zone and whether their cards fit. One style is to play that responder’s double jumps in a new suit are limited by the failure to use the Jacoby two no-trump. Another style says that a jump like one heart - three spades shows an unspecifie­d splinter in the range 10-13 (over which opener can ask or sign off), while the direct jump shows a full opener, and one heart - three no-trump shows the equivalent splinter in spades.

In today’s deal, North-South reached slam after North showed two key-cards and the equivalent of the trump queen. West looked no further than his spade sequence. How would you plan the play to avoid needing to rely on a favorable lie of the opponents’ cards?

The answer is to win the spade ace and ruff a spade high, then play the diamond ace and ruff a diamond. Now ruff a spade high, ruff a second diamond high, draw trumps and lead a club from dummy, planning to cover whatever East plays. If East plays low, you put in the nine and force West to lead back a club or give a ruff-sluff. If East puts up the 10, you play the queen, and when West wins his king, he is faced with the same unpalatabl­e alternativ­es.

Note that this play requires both diamonds and spades to be fully extracted and trumps drawn before the first club play. The essence of an eliminatio­n is to remove as many of the defenders’ exit cards as you can.

ANSWER: I’m unimaginat­ive here; I lead my long suit and hope we can somehow develop it. With honor-third in diamonds, I might try that suit, but three small requires my partner to have way too much in the suit for it to be a success. Either red suit might work, or even a passive lead, but I prefer to lead what is in front of my face. If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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