Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Medicaid expansion backers aiming to force Kansas plan


TOPEKA, Kan. — Advocates for expanding Medicaid in Kansas are looking to block passage of the state’s next annual budget to force an expansion plan through the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e over conservati­ve leaders’ objections.

Legislator­s reconvened Wednesday after an annual spring break, and the state Senate rejected an effort by its top Democrat to expedite an expansion debate. The Senate has yet to act on a measure approved by the House in March, and top Republican­s want to delay action until next year.

The next Senate vote was 23-13 on pulling an expansion bill out of the committee where it’s been stuck for weeks, one short of the 24 votes supporters needed under the chamber’s rules. Even before the vote, expansion supporters were focusing on the alternativ­e of tying up the $18 billion-plus budget that lawmakers must pass to keep state government operating after June.

“It’s the best leverage we have right now,” said House Minority Leader Tom Sawyer, a Wichita Democrat. “There’s been a lot of discussion.”

Medicaid expansion is one of new Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s priorities. Expansion has enjoyed bipartisan support for at least several years, but Kelly’s conservati­ve Republican predecesso­rs were vocal critics of the 2010 federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that encouraged it.

In an interview, Kelly brushed aside top Republican­s’ concerns about needing more time to consider the details of an expansion as “just a stall tactic.” She said she doubted that lawmakers could draft a better plan with more time.

“It is very clear that a strong majority in the Kansas Senate support Medicaid expansion and want the opportunit­y to debate and vote on it this year,” Kelly said after the vote. “Now is the time to get it done.”

A small group of expansion supporters stood outside the entrance to the Statehouse parking garage Wednesday morning, holding signs and chanting, “Health care is a human right! Expand Medicaid now!” Advocates have been pushing for an expansion for at least five years.

Still, top Republican­s argue that Kelly is trying to rush the debate and that they want to avoid pitfalls that could drive up the state’s costs.

“It needs a lot of due diligence and structure to protect the patients as well as the taxpayers,” said Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning, a conservati­ve Kansas City-area Republican.

Kelly’s plan for expanding Medicaid health coverage to up to 150,000 additional Kansas residents is based on a bill that passed in 2017 with bipartisan support, only to be vetoed by then-Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican.

Denning called the Housepasse­d expansion bill “regurgitat­ed” and said the state needs policies in place to curb health costs and encourage Medicaid participan­ts to seek preventive care. GOP lawmakers also have mentioned imposing work requiremen­ts and drug testing.

Denning said he agrees with Kelly that expansion “is inevitable” but added, “She’s going to have to wait, I hope, until the second year so we can do the massive and complicate­d plan correctly, rather than in a rush.”

The Affordable Care Act was Democratic former President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy and it encouraged states to expand Medicaid by promising that the federal government would cover most of the cost. Thirty-six states have expanded Medicaid or seen voters approve ballot initiative­s.

Kelly’s administra­tion has projected that the first full year of Kansas’ expansion would come with a net cost of $34 million to the state. Some supporters believe the influx of federal dollars will spur economic activity, generate new state tax revenue and offset those costs. Many Republican­s are skeptical and believe the state’s next costs could be much higher.

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