Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

BORDER OFFICIALS clarify policy on post-flight ID check.


WASHINGTON — U.S. Customs and Border Protection is clarifying that airline passengers aren’t required to submit to identifica­tion checks when getting off planes if there’s no law enforcemen­t-related reason.

The new policy directive comes as a result of a settlement in a lawsuit; the documents were obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.

The lawsuit was filed by passengers who had been on Delta Air Lines Flight 1583 from San Francisco to New York’s Kennedy Airport in February 2017, soon after President Donald Trump’s initial travel ban. They were told by the flight crew that all the passengers would have to show identifica­tion to get off the airplane. They were greeted by two Customs officers when they landed and were forced to wait aboard the plane as each passenger was checked.

The officers were searching, at the request of the Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency, for a person with a deportatio­n order after criminal conviction­s for domestic assault and other crimes. The person was not identified and was not aboard. The officers didn’t tell passengers the search was voluntary, said the American Civil Liberties Union, which represente­d the passengers in the lawsuit.

It’s not uncommon for law enforcemen­t officers to board a plane to apprehend a criminal suspect: Former Internatio­nal Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn was pulled from a flight in 2011 to face sexual-assault charges that were later dropped. But it’s highly unusual for authoritie­s to wait outside an airplane and ask for identifica­tion from each passenger.

Customs officials initially characteri­zed the searches as routine policy, but then argued before the court in an effort to dismiss the case that it was not a written policy.

Judge Nicholas Garaufis refused to throw out the lawsuit, saying: “Defendants cannot, now, have their cake and eat it too: They responded to various media inquiries by saying they were following a policy, and the court will take them at their word.”

The ID checks happened just a few weeks after Trump’s initial travel ban, which sparked confusion at airports around the country and had immigratio­n lawyers camped out in places like Kennedy Airport to help stranded passengers.

Many of the passengers felt they had no choice but to submit to the search, even though they didn’t understand why they were being asked for their identifica­tion. A new policy directive being issued by Customs officials should make clear that’s not the case

“One of the great things about this country is that we have protection­s, and when those protection­s are violated, we can speak up,” plaintiff Kelley Amadei said in a statement. “And sometimes, in cases like this, we get the result we need to protect us and our fellow citizens.”

Under the settlement, a directive will be given to Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide making clear they must comply with the Constituti­on’s Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonab­le search and seizure.

The notice will highlight that the agency “does not have a policy or routine practice of compelling or requesting that passengers deplaning domestic flights submit to suspicionl­ess document checks,” according to the language in the settlement agreement.

And when officers do conduct voluntary ID searches, the directive provides restrictio­ns, including that passengers must understand the searches are not required. Officers must also ask airline employees to communicat­e over the intercom that searches are voluntary. They can’t block passengers from deplaning and must make clear there will be no punishment for passengers who refuse to show ID.

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