Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Nothing is more wretched than a guilty conscience.

— Plautus

After opening a minor suit, an opener who has three cards in his partner’s major should consider raising if not fully balanced. However, in such cases, it is often best to bid no-trump at the next turn, or at least to avoid supporting partner a second time. So in today’s deal, North’s raise to two spades was understand­able, but he should have retreated to three no-trump at his next turn. That would have been easy to declare.

In four spades, declarer won the opening diamond lead with dummy’s ace, as East encouraged by playing the eight. South led a trump to the ace and followed with a low trump. West put up the queen and continued diamonds, on which South did well by discarding a heart rather than ruffing. But now East did equally well when he led his last diamond, conceding a ruff-and-sluff to promote a trump trick for his partner. A passive return would have allowed

South to draw the missing trumps.

North felt guilty about the bidding, and West realized he should have led a low diamond at trick four. He knew how the defense was supposed to go, while it was much harder for East to play the fourth diamond.

Declarer could have made his game by crossing to hand with a club at trick two to lead a low spade from hand. West would have to take the spade queen to play three more rounds of diamonds. South would then ruff in dummy, unblock the spade jack, then play a club to hand and draw trumps, pitching dummy’s club ace, after which his hand would be high.

ANSWER: Take your life in your hands and bid four spades. You have a high offense-defense ratio, with fine spade support and a source of tricks. “Accept the transfer” as they say, by bidding four spades. Even if you are wrong, your opponents might misjudge and bid on. (And you hope your partner can resist the temptation to do too much as well — he knows you are under pressure here.)

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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