Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

No on sales-tax bump


I read with great interest the article in the Democrat-Gazette on Friday concerning Mayor Frank Scott’s request for a 1 percent sales-tax increase. In the second paragraph it said, “Scott touted strides the city made during his first year in office.” There was no mention whatsoever that I could find in the article concerning his claimed strides. I follow the news pretty carefully, but the only thing I’m aware of that’s been accomplish­ed by Mayor Scott is closing two golf courses and losing an expensive lawsuit from a police officer where he forced his firing.

Now he wants us to support a 1 percent sales-tax increase for what he calls “quality of life” issues. The article clearly demonstrat­es Scott’s tax-and-spend approach that’s been used by liberals for decades. First, you throw in something for everyone. Then you compare our tax rate with neighborin­g cities that have a higher rate. There’s your winning formula.

Perhaps we should also compare ourselves with cities where the sales tax is less? I might be willing to support an increase if it’s designated for specific projects (like the jail tax years ago) with a sunset clause. But, as of now, I intend to vote no to a permanent sales-tax increase that simply goes into the city’s treasury for a wish list. Mayor Scott’s wish list may be good, but what about the next mayor? How will he/she use that extra 1 percent? It’s too much of a risk for me.


Little Rock

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