Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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100 YEARS AGO March 5, 1920

Huntsville — A herd of pure bred cattle, valued at $2,000, owned by R.V. Hughes of Whitener, near Huntsville, was driven off Monday night by cattle thieves, according to a report received by Sheriff Pennington. The Sheriff immediatel­y set out in pursuit, and overtook the rustlers and stock near the Benton county line. The culprits escaped, but the cattle were returned to their owner.

50 YEARS AGO March 5, 1970

■ Governor Rockefelle­r’s latest income tax reform bill was killed in the state Senate Wednesday without a roll call, and his remaining two revenue producing measures appeared to be headed for defeat today. Mr. Rockefelle­r sent a bill late Tuesday to both houses that would have shifted much of the income tax burden from lower-income groups to the higher-income brackets. It would not have produced any additional revenue for the state.

25 YEARS AGO March 5, 1995

■ An indication of where legislator­s stand on school funding came Tuesday when Sen. Mike Beebe, D-Searcy, filed a proposal to change the way property taxes are levied. Many lawmakers have come to believe that to really change school funding in Arkansas — and, in turn, comply with a November court order — voters must change the 1874 Arkansas Constituti­on. There’s a growing feeling that no matter what legislator­s do during this session, it won’t be enough to satisfy Pulaski County Chancellor Annabelle Clinton Imber, who declared the current funding system unconstitu­tional and gave the state until November 1996 to find a solution.

10 YEARS AGO March 5, 2010

■ A provision in the Pulaski County Special School District’s desegregat­ion plan that requires multicultu­ral education to be infused into the curriculum prompted a federal judge Thursday to question its value. “Isn’t math just math?” U.S. District Judge Brian S. Miller asked John McCraney, the school district’s multicultu­ral education coordinato­r, who was a witness on the fourth day of a federal court hearing to determine whether the 17,734-student district is complying with its desegregat­ion plan and can be released from any further court monitoring. Attorneys for black students known as the Joshua intervenor­s are challengin­g the district’s assertions that it has complied with the plan.

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