Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Want it? Work for it


In response to Patrick Gray’s letter concerning democratic socialism and freedom: I see two central freedoms being offered by democratic socialism: freedom from personal responsibi­lity and freedom from sacrificin­g to obtain what you want.

I often wonder what impact the introducti­on of the notion that everyone should make the team and get a trophy has had on personal responsibi­lity. It seems to have negated the principle of working hard toward accomplish­ing goals. I do recognize that there are instances in which individual­s are in difficult life situations due to no fault of the individual. I have been there. I, however, did not stay there. I put on my big-girl pants and did what I needed to do to change the situation.

I never considered that I was owed what I want and where I want to be in life. This is due to wonderful parents who taught if you want it bad enough, then do the work to get it. I have done the work I needed to be where I am. I am not wealthy, but I do make a decent income. I worked full-time while completing my college education. I am still paying on my student loans and would never expect someone else to pay my way. I created the debt; therefore, I should be the one to pay for the debt.

My understand­ing of democratic socialism is that since I make a decent living (which I did the work required to achieve) and others do not, I am obligated to help pay their way so they can have greater freedom. So while they have greater freedom (and money to spend), I will have less freedom (and money to spend) because I will be paying higher taxes to help pay for their freedom.

Sorry, but if you want what I have, do the work I did to get it for yourself. Stop expecting me to pay so you don’t have to. It’s called personal responsibi­lity, something that seems to be lacking nowadays.



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