Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Follow the guidelines


Until recently, Arkansas has lagged behind other states in having to face the sharp end of the pandemic. Benton County residents can take some comfort that, so far, there have been no covid-19-related deaths reported even though the number of positive cases has climbed. Yet we know that the fallout from this pandemic will continue. and public health experts warn of a wave that will impact our region. As we grapple with this new reality, there is some guidance from which we can take heed: the directives and guidelines from Governor Hutchinson and Arkansas Department of Health.

It’s unrealisti­c to believe we can eliminate all risk through these measures, but by adopting them we are showing we realize the danger and that it extends beyond ourselves. The ADH guidelines and practices offer us a plan for living in this pandemic age until covid-19 is better understood and under firmer control. ADH also provides helpful informatio­n from qualified experts rather than dangerous misinterpr­etation often found within social media bubbles. We need to learn how to live in this new reality with clarity and, as Arkansans, practice a common respect for others and their lives. And it is especially important to show our respect when being in close proximity to those who are essential workers, including food retail and service workers.

The road toward controllin­g this pandemic requires a collective will and an abundance of testing, contact tracing, and effective treatment and prevention. So far, infection and death rates from this pandemic continue to increase, so we should do everything we can to reduce the risk in line with our state’s directives and guidelines. JULIA K. BAILEY


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