Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

BORDER BETWEEN 2 Australian states to close.


MELBOURNE, Australia — Australian authoritie­s were preparing to close the border between the country’s two largest states, as the country’s second-largest city, Melbourne, recorded two deaths and its highest-ever daily increase in infections Monday.

The border between the states of New South Wales, home to Sydney, and Victoria, home to Melbourne, is due to be shut late today.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklia­n was critical of states that closed their borders to her state when Sydney had Australia’s largest number of coronaviru­s cases. But she said she changed her stance because the situation in Melbourne was unpreceden­ted and indicated the pandemic was in a new phase.

The overwhelmi­ng majority of new infections detected in Melbourne in recent weeks were from community transmissi­on. Everywhere else in Australia, the vast majority of people who tested positive for the virus were infected overseas or had been infected by a returned traveler, Berejiklia­n said.

“What is occurring in Victoria has not yet occurred anywhere else in Australia,” she said Monday. “It’s a new part of the pandemic and, as such, it requires a new type of response.”

The Victorian government locked down 36 of the most virus-prone Melbourne suburbs last week and at the weekend added another four suburbs because of the disease spread.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said that of the 127 new cases recorded overnight, 53 were among 3,000 people who have been confined by police to their apartments in nine public housing blocks since Saturday.

Australia’s Acting Chief Medical Officer Paulk Kelly has described the high-rises as “vertical cruise ships” because of the high risk of virus spread.

Police allege that a 32-yearold man bit a police officer Monday as he attempted to leave a high-rise in the suburb of Flemington. He will be charged with assault, resisting police and attempting to breach a pandemic order, Police Chief Commission­er Shane Patton said.

The infections announced Monday surpassed the first surge of infections in Melbourne that peaked March 28 at 111 cases recorded in a day.

Daniels said he agreed with Berejiklia­n and Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a Sydney resident, that the border needed to be closed. Three in five Australian residents live in Sydney or Melbourne and the air services between the two cities before the pandemic were among the busiest in the world.

“I think it is the smart call, the right call at this time, given the significan­t challenges we face in containing this virus,” Andrews said.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Michael Kidd confirmed that federal authoritie­s agreed with the closure. The federal government had previously opposed any internal border closures aimed mostly at stopping spread from Victoria and New South Wales. Morrison had urged state leaders to open their borders for the good of the economy.

Kidd said only 16% of new cases detected in Australia in the past week came from overseas. Two weeks ago, 50% of new cases were people infected overseas and detected in hotel quarantine, he said.

“The situation in Melbourne has come as a jolt, not just of the people of Melbourne but people right across Australia who may have thought that this was all behind us. It is not,” Kidd said.

Outside of Victoria, another 13 cases reported in the past 24 hours were people infected overseas. Of those, 10 had been in hotel quarantine in New South Wales and three in Western Australia.

New South Wales police will enforce the Victoria border closure. Some flights and trains services will continue for travelers who are given permits and exemptions, Berejiklia­n said.

New South Wales Police Commission­er Mick Fuller said officers will use drones to detect people who attempt to cross the border via forest tracks to avoid the 55 policed road and bridge crossings.

Nationwide, Australia has recorded almost 8,600 total infections and 106 deaths.

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