Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

An important election


Disclaimer: neither a D nor R, but an advocate of the U.S. Constituti­on. In nearly all of the 12 past presidenti­al elections in my voting life, the phrase has been uttered, “This is the most important election ever to decide ultimately the direction of our country.” And again, this one is too. Really.

Our choice is between two polar opposites. One to be the source of power over the people. The other power for “we the people.” One to live within the rule of law. The other wanting to change it to attain power. Cast your vote with considered examinatio­n and thought of each candidate and the consequenc­es of the victor’s administra­tion. Vote!


Walnut Ridge McCarthyis­m under the guise of QAnon conspiraci­es. QAnon has manifested itself through lies and deception for the sole purpose to exploit and maintain a Republican stronghold on government. It portrays Democrats as socialists and Marxists because many Americans don’t know the aspects of democracy, socialism or Marxism. It banks on ignorance and hate.

African Americans understand why systemic cultural racism is denied. It is because of the “slaves now walk among us” mentality. Republican­s refuse to recognize it, but let me give a few examples: colonizati­on. imperialis­m, slavery, Missouri Compromise, Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Jim Crow, Black codes, lynchings, Tulsa race massacre, Elaine race massacre, Amendments 13, 14 and 15, Brown v. Board of Education, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, police brutality, public education funding tied to property values, non-white immigrant children caged, and continued voter suppressio­n.

If you consider yourself more intelligen­t, why lie and cheat to win? We will rise and vote!


Little Rock

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