Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The source of ‘woke’

- Bradley R. Gitz Freelance columnist Bradley R. Gitz, who lives and teaches in Batesville, received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Illinois.

The French have finally found a more appropriat­e American import to resist than McDonald’s and Disney World, to wit the campaign to keep American “woke” cancel culture out of their realm.

As reported in The New York Times (somewhat ironically, given its ongoing transforma­tion into our woke Pravda) President Emmanuel Macron kicked off the French resistance a few months back when he warned that “certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States” were encouragin­g separatism in his country. The source of the contagion was made more specific when Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer referred to “an intellectu­al matrix from American universiti­es,” and when 100 French scholars and public intellectu­als signed an open letter warning of noxious ideas “transferre­d from North American campuses.”

It’s a bit peculiar when the Jacobins sound the alarm about Jacobinism, but the French should still be applauded for nicely highlighti­ng the primary source of the woke malady — the woke might dominate our legacy media, the entertainm­ent industry, publishing, philanthro­pic foundation­s and just about every other political socializat­ion mechanism, but it is their near-monolithic control over higher education that drives all the rest.

If radical left ideas move so rapidly into the mainstream these days, to the point of becoming parts of a suffocatin­g orthodoxy enforced with increasing ruthlessne­ss, it is from the campus that that movement begins. What the radical left is talking about the rest of us soon will be, but all radical left talk begins in academe.

It has become nearly axiomatic that the more prestigiou­s and expensive the college, the further left it leans, the more mono-cultural its administra­tors, faculty and curricula, and the less likely it is for alternativ­e ideas to penetrate. It isn’t just that such mono-cultures contradict everything that education should stand for, but that the very nature of that culture, of woke cancel culture, denies the legitimacy of other ways of seeing things, thereby creating an insular, hermetical­ly sealed world in which obliviousn­ess and the crushing of dissent is reinforced by assumption­s of moral superiorit­y.

The biggest problem with woke academic monocultur­es is that the woke don’t think they’re a problem; to the contrary, they interpret such conditions as evidence of heightened enlightenm­ent and virtue.

For the academic world, being “woke,” or at least muting any criticism of woke, has become necessary for career advancemen­t every step along the way (or at least perceived as such, with much the same effect) and it is the rare dean or college president who will risk their careers by refusing to publicly endorse woke positions or consent to sweeping demands from woke students and faculty.

Some of us have been fortunate to work at colleges that still respect the marketplac­e of ideas, but few newly minted Ph.D.s with aspiration­s for tenure would write a column like this one; rather, there would probably be a fairly fierce (if insincere) competitio­n to see who could most vehemently denounce its contents.

As Jonathan Chait, no vehement right-winger, recently noted (regarding the fate of the host of “The Bachelor”), the woke have already moved from guilt by associatio­n to “guilt by refusal to join in condemnati­on.”

The woke academy stays woke by patrolling its turf vigilantly, ensuring the casting out of heretics and the exertion of a chilling effect on the rest. Such environs might have become stultifyin­g for the intellectu­ally curious, but are useful avenues to power for bullies and reasonably comfortabl­e for those who don’t mind being told what to think.

Woke ideas flow from academe, but so too do those indoctrina­ted with them, into prestigiou­s media organs, publishing houses, law firms, and corporate HR department­s. The inmates take control of the asylums and transform The New York Times, Google, Random House, and Hollywood with wokery.

Thus the key to understand­ing the left’s broader dominance of our political culture can be found in its more specific and even greater dominance of academe; along with the incubator role that the campus plays for all other opinion-forming institutio­ns.

As higher education has become more important over the decades, and a college degree a minimal pass key for entry into the profession­s, the left’s control of it means it reliably instills leftist ideas in those who go on to control just about everything else, including, increasing­ly, a corporate America that was once a bastion of capitalism.

There was a time when American ideas like democracy, liberty and equality swept the world because of their intrinsic appeal to human dignity, and when Americans faced the world confident of their values and proud of their institutio­ns. We had, after all, created the most democratic, free, and prosperous society in the history of the world, providing inspiratio­n for everyone else.

But America’s future elite are now being dogmatical­ly instructed that America has been a baleful influence on the human experience and that the classical liberalism that undergirds our experiment in self-government is only a façade for white supremacy to be denounced rather than cherished and sustained.

American college campuses have now become the most illiberal places in America. They have also become by far the most influentia­l.

That combinatio­n does not bode well.

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