Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Pence hardly GOP shoo-in

- By Henry Olsen Henry Olsen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is stepping back into the political fray with plans to give a speech next month at a South Carolina event sponsored by a religious conservati­ve group. This will start the talk of a potential 2024 presidenti­al bid, and early polls show him in a strong position. Pence would have considerab­le strengths if he does run — and many, many weaknesses.

One can’t handicap a horse race without knowing the track on which the race will be run, and that means understand­ing the fractures in today’s Republican Party. It’s easy to divide the GOP into pro- and anti-Trump factions, but that misses the complexiti­es that lurk beneath the surface. Like any major party, Republican­s differ significan­tly among themselves on issues and personalit­y preference­s. Pence is well-suited to appeal to some of these groups, but not others.

Religious, pro-Trump conservati­ves are one of the largest demographi­cs, and they would also be the group Pence is likeliest to appeal to. He is a convert to evangelica­l Christiani­ty and has made unwavering support for evangelica­l political goals a hallmark of his political career. The same personal modesty and social conservati­sm that enrage progressiv­es endear him to this cohort.

Pence was also known for his fiscal conservati­sm during his time as a congressma­n. He voted against the George W. Bush administra­tion’s Medicare Part D bill establishi­ng a prescripti­on drug benefit for seniors. As chairman of the House Republican Study Committee, he strongly backed efforts to create private accounts for Social Security in 2005. A man who once said, “I was tea party before it was cool” would surely delight supply-siders and fiscal conservati­ves looking for a leader they can count on.

Pence’s courage on Jan. 6, defying President Donald Trump to oversee the certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s victory, also endears him to many anti-Trump Republican­s. They tend to see him as a brake on the president’s worst tendencies in office and a man whose public slavish devotion masked a private undercover effort to keep Trump from doing more damage than he otherwise could have. Pence’s quiet, understate­d public presence would also be a plus for those who more than anything want to avoid another figure like Trump.

Securing the support of these groups would put Pence in a strong position for the GOP nomination. But he’s far from assured of doing that, and he might still lose even if he does.

The same personal qualities that might help him with anti-Trump Republican­s could hurt him with the president’s most loyal fans. Republican­s widely believe the election-theft myth, and the most fervent true believers will surely recall that Pence stood against their man when it counted. They also tend to want an angry fighter — someone who wants to own the libs more than he wants to govern the country. Pence is the antithesis of an angry fighter.

This means he’s ripe for a challenge from his right, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, looks like he’s going to give him one. Cruz was the evangelica­l and fiscal conservati­ves’ choice in 2016, and he’s still working to build a national reputation as someone the right can trust. He’s also trying out a new, angrier persona, which he displayed at this year’s Conservati­ve Political Action Conference. Eschewing a teleprompt­er, Cruz pranced about the stage, holding a microphone, speaking in animated, confrontat­ional tones and ending with a scream of “freedom” in emulation of William Wallace from the movie “Braveheart.” If appeals such as this catch on, Pence might look like conservati­sm’s boring uncle by the Iowa caucuses.

Movement conservati­ves also have a poor record of winning Republican nomination­s. George W. Bush was the only candidate since the Reagan era to take the nomination while also winning “very conservati­ve” primary voters, and he got their support only after the race narrowed to a two-way contest with the more moderate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. January’s YouGov-Ethics and Public Policy Center poll of Trump voters, which I helped craft, shows that such voters are split on the fiscal and religious issues and priorities that animate the very conservati­ve voter. Every GOP nominee but Bush since 1992 has won with the support of moderate conservati­ves and those who say they are “somewhat conservati­ves” — even Trump. Pence’s signature speech line — “I’m a Christian, a conservati­ve and a Republican, in that order” — might not be what the party’s silent majority wants to hear.

Pence is a decent man to whom the country owes a debt of gratitude. If he hasn’t spruced up his persona, however, he might end up looking more like Ed Muskie than Richard Nixon.

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