Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Add more exercise to the workday


Many people can benefit from more exercise, but after a long day at work and tending to obligation­s at home, making time for exercise can be an uphill battle. Come nighttime, there may be little energy or time left to be active. However, failure to engage in regular physical activity can be detrimenta­l to one’s health.

The World Health Organizati­on lists inactivity as the fourth biggest risk factor for global adult mortality. Plus, long periods of sitting inactively may lead to increased risk for diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity. Psychology Today states that studies indicate mental ability is directly linked to physical activity. Without regular exercise, one may have decreased concentrat­ion, poor memory, reduced mental stamina and a lack of creativity. Finding time to exercise while at work can help people reap the rewards of a physically active lifestyle.

The American Heart Associatio­n states that taking advantage of little opportunit­ies to move more throughout the day can add up to a significan­t amount of exercise. Here are some ways to exercise during the workday.

Bicycle or walk a portion of your commute

People who live close enough to the office can ride their bikes or walk there. If the office is too far, think about getting off the bus or train a stop earlier and walking the rest of the way. You even can park farther away if you drive to the office.

Switch out your desk

Desks come in different configurat­ions, and you may be able to opt for a tall or adjustable desk to enable you to stand and move around a bit while working. If that’s not possible, stand up and do some balance or strength exercises while on long calls.

Store some workout gear at work

During breaks, do a few arm curls with dumbbells, or use resistance bands to work inner and outer thigh muscles while sitting at your desk.

Take the stairs

Skip the elevator, and go up and down the stairs each day. Doing so when coming in, going in and out for a lunch break, and when leaving in the evening can add up over the course of a day.

Start a walking club

Get together with co-workers who also want to exercise, and use your lunch hour to walk around. You can always eat at your desk before or afterward.

Schedule walking meetings

Whenever possible, host walking brainstorm­ing sessions or meetings. Take the meeting outdoors if the weather cooperates; otherwise, take laps around the building.

Volunteer to run errands

Step out for coffee or snacks during the day, making a concerted effort to walk when going for your daily jolt of caffeine.

Exercise can be included in the workday by making minor changes that really add up.

 ??  ?? Incorporat­ing phycial activity during the workday can help increase concentrat­ion and improve memory.
Incorporat­ing phycial activity during the workday can help increase concentrat­ion and improve memory.

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