Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Macron to nations: Clear boundaries crucial on Russia

- COMPILED BY DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE STAFF FROM WIRE REPORTS Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by staff members of The Associated Press.

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron says that while dialogue with Russia is essential, “clear red lines” carrying possible sanctions must also be drawn with Moscow over Ukraine.

Referring to a recent buildup of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border, Macron said in an interview with American broadcaste­r CBS News, “We will never accept new military operations on Ukrainian soil.” The West must demonstrat­e diplomacy and credibilit­y in making that point, he added.

“And I think after an unacceptab­le behavior, indeed, we have to sanction,” Macron said when asked about the possibilit­y of sanctions. “And I think we have to define clear red lines with Russia. This is the only way to be credible.”

However, he added “I think that sanctions are not sufficient in themselves, but sanctions are part of the package.”

The interview aired Sunday on “Face the Nation.” It was recorded after Macron met Friday in Paris with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and the two held a virtual conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Macron and Merkel demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops concentrat­ed in western Russia as tensions with neighborin­g Ukraine rise.

The United States and NATO have described the buildup as the largest since 2014, when Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and fighting broke out in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian forces and Russia-backed separatist­s. More than 14,000 people have died during the 7-year conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Ukrainian authoritie­s say cease-fire violations have become more frequent in recent weeks, with nearly 30 troops killed this year. They accused Russia of fueling tensions by deploying 41,000 troops near the border with eastern Ukraine and 42,000 to Crimea, where Russia maintains a large naval base.

Pope Francis on Sunday voiced his concerns over the recent Russian troop buildup near the border with Ukraine and called for efforts to ease tensions.

“I observe with great apprehensi­on the increase of military activities,” Francis said in remarks to the public gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

“Please, I strongly hope that an increase of tensions is avoided, and, on the contrary, gestures are made capable of promoting reciprocal trust and favoring the reconcilia­tion and the peace which are so necessary and so desired,” Francis said.

Since taking office in 2017, Macron has worked for a constructi­ve dialogue with Russia on a range of issues, and he continued to promote the need for dialogue in the “Face the Nation” interview.

“I’m sure that President [Vladimir] Putin can be ready to reopen dialogue,” the French leader said. “We need an open and frank dialogue with Russia” regarding a raft of topics from arms control to stabilizin­g world crises.

Ukraine accuses Russia of fueling tensions with its troop deployment, while Russia has sought to justify the buildup as part of readiness drills organized in response to what it claims are NATO threats.

Beside contending there are threats from NATO, Russia has cast the buildup as a necessary security precaution amid what it described as Ukraine’s provocatio­ns along the line of control.

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