Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Give power to the parents


We live in a diverse country, where people have different preference­s about how to live. For example, a 2016 Pew Research Center survey found that 59 percent of Americans believed children with two parents were better off if one parent stayed at home, but 39 percent thought children were just as well off if both parents worked.

Which side was right? Well, obviously, neither. It depends on the personalit­y, values and circumstan­ces of the people in each particular family. Despite what Tolstoy wrote, happy families are in fact all happy in their own ways.

Our debates about family structure have been poisoned by people who can’t acknowledg­e difference­s without immediatel­y rendering some judgment. Family pluralism is a source of strength for this country, not a weakness.

It should be said that people’s views on what is the ideal family form are powerfully linked to their class standing. As research by scholars at the American Compass think tank has shown, people in the working class and to a lesser extent the middle class are more likely to prefer the “breadwinne­r” model, in which one parent stays home, when children are younger than 5. Families making more than $150,000 are more likely to admire the “dual earner” model, in which both parents work.

The crucial question is this: In a society with such a diverse array of family forms, which kind of family structure should the government favor? My answer is none. The role of government is to help people build the kind of family they prefer, not tell them what kind of family they should prefer. Government should be neutral about what kind of family is best.

President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan has one element that beautifull­y accomplish­es this by extending the child tax credit, or child allowance. If parents want to use the extra money from the credit to help pay for day care, they can. If they want to use it to reduce work hours so they can spend more time at home, they can. The child tax credit will help millions of families do what surveys show they already want to do: have more kids than they can now afford, and spend more time at home.

But the Biden administra­tion is not entirely neutral when it comes to family policy. When, during a recent conference call, I asked three administra­tion officials about this. They mentioned two other social goals.

First, getting people working. “We want parents to be in the workforce, especially mothers,” said Susan Rice, head of the Domestic Policy Council. Second, the administra­tion wants kids in classroom settings, to extend the public school system down two years. The administra­tion is aggressive­ly expanding child-care subsidies and pre-K programs.

These are understand­able public goals, but I wonder about the emphasis. In the first place, direct parental subsidies—perhaps because they let parents cut back on work and cultivate their kids’ social and emotional skills—can be a powerful tool to boost kids’ educationa­l attainment.

As Grover J. Whitehurst, formerly of the Brookings Institutio­n, once put it, “It turns out that putting money directly into the pockets of low-income parents, as many other countries do, produces substantia­lly larger gains in children’s school achievemen­t per dollar of expenditur­e than does a year of preschool or participat­ion in Head Start.”

When it comes to parenting, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Whether a child will be helped or harmed by profession­al child-care experience depends an awful lot on the nature of the particular child, the particular care center and the particular parents. These are circumstan­ces only the parents, who are right there, can know, so parents should be given maximum power and flexibilit­y to make decisions.

The way to do that, family scholar W. Bradford Wilcox of the University of Virginia argues, is to focus money on direct subsidies and go big.

“Because the Biden administra­tion is trying to be all things to all people,” Wilcox emailed me, “it partially funds a number of initiative­s, including the child allowance. I’d much rather see the administra­tion cut out the money promised for pre-K and child care and fully fund a generous child allowance.”

Finally, I worry about the class politics of all this. In that American Compass research, more-affluent families support day-care expansion but working-class families overwhelmi­ngly support direct subsidies. Thriving meritocrat­s may be eager to re-enjoy the satisfacti­ons of full-time work, but in one 2018 survey only 28 percent of married mothers said working full time was ideal. Forty percent said working part time was ideal.

We are living in a time of huge economic and educationa­l inequaliti­es, and seething populist resentment­s as a result. I worry that the upper middle class will be inviting a furious backlash if it is seen to be privilegin­g its parenting preference­s through the use of state power.

Over the past few decades the economy has placed enormous strain on American families, forcing people to have fewer kids and spend less time with them than they would prefer. A fully generous child tax credit would give some parents a chance to step back from the job market for a few years while their kids were young, if they so chose.

The opportunit­y to drasticall­y improve American family life is suddenly right before us.

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