Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Island nation of Kiribati goes on lockdown

Internatio­nal flight’s passengers test positive for virus; infections first in months


The Pacific island nation of Kiribati, which had almost entirely kept the coronaviru­s out, went into lockdown on Saturday for the first time in the pandemic. The government imposed a 24-hour curfew after passengers on the first internatio­nal flight in months tested positive for the virus.

Before this month, the island, one of the world’s most remote, had recorded just two infections — in two people returning on a ship in May last year, who quarantine­d on the vessel.

The new restrictio­ns include a ban on social gatherings and a requiremen­t for residents to stay at home except in the case of emergencie­s. Most government offices and other institutio­ns will close, except for hospitals, the police and essential services.

Thirty-six people on a flight from Fiji tested positive on landing about a week ago on the first plane to arrive since the nation reopened its borders this month. All 54 passengers were quarantine­d at a facility, but at least four cases were since reported in the community, including a security guard at the quarantine center.

American Samoa, which detected its first infection only in September, also announced a full lockdown for 48 hours starting Saturday after an uptick of 15 coronaviru­s cases that arrived on a flight from Australia.

In Kiribati, the president’s office said there was “now an assumption that covid-19” was spreading in the community. “The only way that we could fight this virus is through complete vaccinatio­n,” it said. “It is critical that all work together to do our part in combating this pandemic.”

About 90% of the population has received a first dose of a coronaviru­s vaccine, and 53% have had two shots, according to Radio Kiribati, citing official data. The national radio station said the Fiji flight was chartered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

With a population of nearly 120,000, Kiribati lies between Australia and Hawaii, about a four-hour flight from Fiji. The nearest continent, North America, is thousands of miles away. Travelers to Kiribati must show proof of vaccinatio­n and negative test results before starting their journey to the archipelag­o and then quarantine for two weeks on arrival.

Many remote islands have maintained “zero covid” policies and imposed lengthy travel bans during the pandemic. The small size of Pacific island nations has in some ways helped ward off the virus, with many able to shut their borders and some vaccinatin­g their population­s quickly, but others lack the public health infrastruc­ture to deal with a large outbreak.

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