Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR HELOISE: Plastic pollution is a huge problem for wildlife, not only because animals can become entangled in it or ingest it, but also because it degrades into smaller and smaller pieces. These micro-plastics are found everywhere, from the deepest part of our oceans to our atmosphere. And they cause physiologi­cal problems in animals. Please encourage your readers to do their part to try to reduce their use of single-use plastics, including plastic grocery bags. Using reusable bags for shopping helps prevent plastic waste. Thank you so much!

— Julie M. in Colorado DEAR READER: Thank you for sending this info so we can help do our part.

DEAR HELOISE: The hint that was printed recently regarding putting unwanted breakfast cereal out in the yard for birds was not good info. Birds will fill up on this food, and they won’t have room for the food that they naturally eat. Birds should not eat foods designed for humans. Nobody should feed bread to ducks. You can easily find accurate scientific informatio­n about this online. I have always enjoyed your column.

— Theresa, E., via email DEAR HELOISE: My husband had heart surgery and has other health issues. He now takes many pills a day (some over the counter, some prescripti­on) and sees multiple doctors. I typed a list of his daily pills and dosage amounts on a small piece of paper with the date it was updated.

On the reverse side of that paper, I printed the names and phone numbers of his doctors.

Then we laminated two sets: one for my purse, one for his wallet. I also shared the info with my grown children. It sure makes checking in at the doctors office, pharmacy or ER much easier.

— Mary, Little Rock DEAR READER: This is so important to have. You and your children can input this info into your smartphone­s for easy access, too.

DEAR HELOISE: I read your advice about not responding “yes” to solicitors who ask, “Can you hear me?” I respond, “This is (my first name),” rather than answer with the usual “hello.” Once I realize the call is spam, I hang up and block the number. Also, robocalls are activated by the word “hello,” thus there is no response when I answer the phone, “This is Vicki.” I also block those numbers.

— Vicki Valdez, via email

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