Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Stirring the pot with truth

- John Brummett John Brummett, whose column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, is a member of the Arkansas Writers’ Hall of Fame. Email him at jbrummett@arkansason­ Read his @johnbrumme­tt Twitter feed.

Iknow a little about silly and ignorant feuds, fears, suspicions, resentment­s and schisms in evangelica­l churches, having come up in the Southern rural religious fundamenta­lism of the 1950s and ’60s.

The entire extended family was of that flavor. But we had a couple of kinfolks who broke away into what we called the “anti” sect within our extremely conservati­ve Church of Christ. They believed we were hellbound liberals because we tolerated reception halls with kitchen gear in church buildings.

The New Testament never mentioned iceboxes, microwaves or flatware. If the Lord had wanted us partaking of a hash-brown casserole in the church building, he’d have told us so. Or so the “anti” movement said.

On the Sunday night my dad got installed as an elder of our little congregati­on, a member objected formally with a letter that said the Good Book dictated that elders should be “tired” but that my dad did not seem at all “tired.”

Regardless of whether my pop was tired or fresh or sometimes one and sometimes the other, usually depending on whether the kids stayed quiet enough for him to sleep into midmorning after the night shift, the King James Version on which the objection relied referred to “tried” men, not “tired” ones.

My dad was plenty “tried.” His first-born was soon to run off and join the circus. I mean the newspaper.

My folks talked about people at church who “aren’t happy unless they have something to be stirred up about.”

It’s an irony: The smaller the mind, the more suspicion and resentment tend to fill it. The more uneventful and unfilled a life, the more hostile that life tends to become toward things real and imagined occurring well beyond it.

So The New York Times published a piece the other day about the rising influence in evangelica­l churches of resentment-fueled rumors that were first exploited and then fueled by Trumpism. The bigger story is how the phenomenon is fast eroding our functionin­g democracy.

But this article focuses on how the matter is dividing some of the once-dominant evangelica­l megachurch­es, such as one in Fort Smith that was featured. It’s not at all theologica­l, but entirely cultural and political.

A sociologis­t is quoted as predicting the evangelica­l movement will break into a group politicall­y allegiant to Donald Trump and conspiraci­es and another trying to stick to what it thinks the Bible says about what Jesus taught.

The article tells of a once-liked evangelica­l megachurch pastor in Fort Smith who thought his troubles began when he made a neutral pulpit reference contrastin­g God’s accessibil­ity to the remoteness of mega-celebritie­s like Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks. Members came up to him after, he said, and decried that he would dare invoke from the sacred pulpit the name of a sex-trafficker and conspirato­rial pedophile like Hanks.

That is a QAnon thing by which suspicions and resentment­s are fed by eerie and anonymous online assertions of a vast conspiracy among Hollywood stars and Democratic politician­s who use entertainm­ent and politics as covers for their real activity: sex marketing of children.

One must make a deliberate choice to believe something as wildly paranoid as that Hollywood celebritie­s and liberal politician­s would concoct such an elaborate cover for corruption, filth and laughing at the masses for long having been unaware.

The Fort Smith preacher told The Times he got called a Marxist for preaching against racism.

He’s taken a preaching job in the Sacramento area, which is in California, which is no doubt where some of his former congregant­s think he ought to go.

I’m advised reliably that there is nuance in the matter of the Fort Smith church and the pastor that The Times did not bother to relate. I don’t doubt that. There usually is.

But there isn’t much nuance in choosing to live by stirred-up resentment and wild rumor.

The direr warning in the article was a quotation from another Arkansas minister who said this business about separating church and state is nonsense; that the church is commanded to preach against the state and its conspirato­rial perversion.

The Sacramento-bound preacher laments that, while the Bible advocates the seeking of truth to set us free, truth and resentment-based rumors are becoming less distinguis­hable. When you’ve lost truth or even the honest pursuit of it, he says, you’ve lost everything.

The only way to protect American democracy from losing everything is for political leaders to wage war against it—to rise intolerant­ly above wild untruth rather than, as in one contempora­ry party’s case, stay silent to avoid losing the essential votes it reaps from it.

People like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy will need to care more about truth and its necessity in a functionin­g democracy than about being congressio­nal leaders of unholy alliances including splinter sects that just need something to stay stirred up about.

The truth-seekers among us can’t afford to be tired even as we are tried.

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