Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


■ William Nunley, sheriff in Nicholas County, W.Va., said while responding to a domestic disturbanc­e at a camper east of Charleston that a deputy was fatally shot and another incurred a leg wound during a shootout with two men.

■ Eric Maron, a spokesman for the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, said in a statement the institutio­n’s chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was suspended through May 2025 following an investigat­ion of a hazing incident involving sleep deprivatio­n and calistheni­cs exercises.

■ Chris Jacobs, a Republican who represents parts of western New York, including suburban Buffalo, in the U.S House of Representa­tives, announced he will not seek reelection days after he said he would vote for a bill “that would ban something like an AR-15.”

■ Mike Durant, the helicopter pilot held captive in Somalia during the 1993 battle chronicled in “Black Hawk Down” who finished third in Alabama’s Republican Senate primary, disclosed that he will not make an endorsemen­t in the upcoming runoff for retiring Sen. Richard Shelby’s seat.

■ John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvan­ia, said he “almost died” from a stroke after ignoring warning signs of cardiomyop­athy, in which the heart muscle becomes weakened and enlarged, and a doctor’s advice to take blood thinners.

■ John Lampl, mayor of Morrow, Ga., said the suspected arson at three adjacent historic homes, one of which another official claims is on the National Register of Historic Places, “at the heart of our city is a cruel blow to the residents and community members who utilize this area.”

■ Peter Smoothy , a 97-year-old who served in the British Royal Navy and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, on D-Day, said veterans at a commemorat­ion were “thinking about all these poor lads who didn’t get off the beach that day.” Claudette Gilman,

■ director of the Columbus, Miss., Crime Lab, told City Council members that the facility needs newer equipment to keep up with demand as it is losing business due to its backlog that dates to 2020.

■ Hector Cabral, a Dominican plastic surgeon who was fined for practicing unauthoriz­ed medicine in New York, said that before her death, Tandra Bowser-Williams suffered a stroke that “swallowed her brain,” following a fat transfer surgery at his Santo Domingo clinic.

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